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Everything posted by sabrefanday1

  1. Cannot believe Mathews is at 49 goals already. Living up here north of Toronto al I hear is how goo dhe and the leafs are. Hard to stomach especially with the Sabres doing so poorly (loved when we smoked them 9-3 there). I use to drive down with my son several times a year to watch the Sabres but have lost interest in them to be honest. Hard year after year hearing the good old "always next year" a few months into the new season. Had to laugh at the crazy Vancouver game where Minesota beat them 10-7.
  2. Clearly his wrist must be hurt...his shot is nowhere near as fast or effective. Furthermore, other teams are shutting him down. Teams like the Leafs who do not play any sort of systemand just skate around and hope to outscore the other team leave Tage alone and he does fine.
  3. Doubt we can get Lowry...and we had Marcus who is everybit as good but let him go. Clearly KA does not think we need muscle just as Carolina does not believe in that. I was quite sick of fighting with two 4th line nobodys who you knew would fight but now when there is a fight it is spontaneous and very exciting to be honest. A good fight now can change the momentum of a game. And I do believe that other players play bigger knowing you have a couple of heavyweights to answer the call if need be. It is silly to expect Dylan Cozens to be that guy. He is not built heavy enough and he is a good hockey player too boot, so we need him ON the ice not OFF. I do not want Reeves who brings nothing at all to the table but muscle either. Oh I was watching Vancouver and Winnepeg and what a game. They were runnign each other and fights and it was GREAT! MInd you Vancouver thoughth they could run the Peg but actually it seemed to wake up the Jets and they played well and won. Meanwhile, Mathews gets another hat trick. It is absurd how he is scoring. Does anybody (other then the Leaf fans) actually think or believe they wil even win one playoff series with their horrible defense and goaltending??? I still do not believe KA wil make any changes (like adding muslce or a vet)...he thinks to highly of himself and thinks he has assembled the perfect team apparently...
  4. Exactly...and St Louis have been on a heck of a roll. I get all the doom and gloom as this has been a very disappointing year but losing to these teams is hardly a horrible thing.
  5. Considering Dahlin's age, for sure he will be a Nirris candidate for many years to come (just not sure with which team). As for Power, Hedman looked awful for many games with Tampa when he started at a young age too. Now? If Power turns out anywhere near as good as Hedman he will be great.
  6. Crazy to say that being dished badly has not affected Dylan's game...in fact, it is exact opposite. Dylan was playing without concern or care and being very aggressive to the point where he was open to defending players and willign to fight when pretty wel no one else was on the team. No doubt getting crushed has played a big role in his sudden change. he is more worried clearly and not playing anywhere as aggressive as he was. Tage too is clearly not using his size as he di dlast year. I saw so may times last year where he just psuhed his way through two defensemen and used his size to do so. Now, he is going to the outside and not uysing his size and it is affecting his game. I also think that KA still has the Carolina mentality as he came from there, and saw first-hand how they rebuild that team quite easily whenever needed. he has built the Sabres in the moul dof Carolina, small fast skilled players. Mind you, our team is not small, just play small. But I do think KA fels that this team will jell and get it right atsome point without doing much of anything except use what he as already assembled. I do nto bvelieve for a minute he will trade Mitts. Letting KO or Gergs go to a contender would be a obvious move just for their own good. Funny KO has I believe 10 goals which is far away better then most other team's 4th line guys. I also do think that any trade may help shake this team up...look at Calgary who made that trade for LIndholm and they have got better after doing so. This team needs a goo dkick in the butt for sure. Not sure KA will do anything though...
  7. So I loved and stil love Sam and actually like Florida and can only dream that the Sabres be anything close to them. And that crosscheck by Reilly was completely 100% disturbing. Hell if that was anyone else it would be 5 games for sure. And while I agree that the Leaf announcers are brutal, the worse for my money are the clowns over at Boston. Living just north of Toronto, we get lots of free games on Sportsnet and probably 80% are Bruins with those announcers and I simply cannot watch them and lsiten to them go on and on. Guess Sportsnet loves the B's...strangely hardly any Sabre games and they woul dget the best viewing around here for sure of any American team. Overall, the NHL is getting far too predictable. I knew that stick to the face of Greenway would not be called. Boston got two late powerplays to try and help them (nothing would have helped them yesterday).
  8. Next night Leafs beat the Stars with less shots, mor goals and going 3 for 3 on power play. And for my money the leafs stink especially on defense and goaltending but find a way to beat the Stars...
  9. Sam with another goal last night at 35...sure hope he catches and goes ahead of Mathews as I am so sick of hearing about him up here in Ontario...
  10. Funny reading how Todd McLellan LA coach took full repsonsibility for the loss, saying that it was on him. He is a pretrty goo dcoach but the team has been pretty bad lately and I give him credit for doing this. Have we ever heard DG once take responsibility after any loss (and there has been many in his tenure)? I was almost hoping we'd lose and then again Satriuday then maybe KA would be forced to do something, but yet again we win when I think we'll lose and we lost when I thought we 'd win. On anoter note, I too am cynical that it is the younger guys not signed to those massive contracts yet that are leading the way...
  11. My wife started saying "there's always next year" sarcastically right from th estart of the year when the Sabres lost and looked awful doing so and of course she's right...always next year. Me? I am so tired of this that while I tried to defend DG and keep saying that th eteam was young and inexperienced etc etc but truthfully it is time to move on and get a real coaching staff in here before this gets absolutely ugly (or maybe it already has gotten ugly and it wlil only get worse if that is possible)...
  12. absolutely 100% sure KA will not trade this pick. Unfortunately, he is going to stay the course with what we got...and agreed we do not need anyone that appears headed to be a top pick.
  13. I am not a big football fan but stil cheer for the Bills as I feel this strange closeness to Buffalo as I have been a Sabre fan since 1970. Watching I was so tired of hearing them go on and on about the QB and of course TS's boy-toy...to make matetrs worse the defense left him wide open for easy pass receptions at which point they immediately panned to TS laughing and high-fiving. I so wanted them to lose...
  14. Crazy Edmonton has now turned it around so much after such a poor start...guess the Islanders hope Roy can bring some fire into the team that looks lost (kinda like the Sabres)...suddenly the Oilers, Jets and of al teams the Canucks are powerhouses; go figure
  15. how the hell can TB shot at empty net miss and it is NOT icing?
  16. Just read that we have 5 more wins in regulation time then the Leafs and are 11th in NHL in regulation wins overall! Strange stat...
  17. I believe he had a form of cancer did he not? Oh I found it...malignant hypothermia
  18. Cody Hodgson (remember him???) apparently wishes to try and return to the NHL...and no I am not kidding
  19. so we lost to Seattle and Vancouver...both are playing veyr well yet we stayed close and played well. Clearly if we had any sort of power play (where most other teams including us last year get lots of goals) we'd have won many games we have lost. being without our top scorer (even though many like to douch Skinner) did not help either but over all I thought we played very well.
  20. With all the negative crap about Skinner I guess we should win a pile of gmes now he is out...
  21. Interesting question...to be honest I loved hockey (watching, playing, and coaching all of which I did in years gone by). Living oin a pension now, money is tight so I guess I can thank the Sabres for saving me a ton of money as we use to drive down on a regular basis from north of Toronto to see games and stay at a local hotel then drive back the next day; I use to pay Bell big bucks for the center ice thingee so I could watch all Sabre games. Now? I rarely even bother to watch a Sabre game if Sportsnet has it free unless maybe afternoon game and nothing else to watch. It kills me cause I use to be such a huge Sabre fan (from Day One) and got my son loving them and then...boom! They crashed just when he started watching. I loved when Lindy was coach and Darcy was at the helm...now I do watch other teams when on free and I am amazed at the intensity of these teams when they play. You'd think that a game between Philly and say whoever was a playoff game. They play hard and crash the net and hit so much. When I try to watch a Sabre game you never know what you'll get now...some times they are quite good...other games they are pretty bad. So, I guess you'd say I have lost my passion for the team out of necessity (to save me heartache after heartache), but not necesssarily for the NHL in general as it still puts on a good show. And of course being Canadian, I grew up with hockey and stilllove the game. Playoffs are the best! For everybody but the Sabres of course!
  22. I don't know about thsi motivation thing being on the coach...I am no big Leaf fan but clearly their big guns are motivated as they just score like every game. Their coach is awful and not any better then Meatballs, yet he seems to get them to play motivated and want to win. Mind you, as I said, he is not a great coiach and the Leafs defense is probably worse then ours overall. I think "motivation" is on the players as much if not more then the coach...
  23. Yeah that was how Jack started and soon he wanted out...the endless cycle of losing obviously gets to a player and he loses his sense of why they even play the sport. Clearly losing is not fun and wears on a guys mind to the point where they just need OUT. Dahlin will no doubt be next... rinse and repeat over and over again
  24. Wonder if getting rid of Comrie to Rochester takes pressure off of Levi and UPL and thus the better play? Semed like they were trying too hard when there were three to play good and get the next start? I also wonder if the team like the two-goalie setup bette ras well. Either way, nice to see them get wins. The NHL is so unpredictable now and Winnipeg of al teams is first overall. Philly doing good. No reason the Sabres canpt get on a roll as well. Mind you most teams are finding it hard tio get on any kind of winning streak.
  25. See the Leafs are close to re-signing NYlander for possibly over $11 mill. I cannot see how they can make that work when they are in cap-hell now. That wil add a huge amount to their cap.
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