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Everything posted by SabresVet

  1. Dude's name was "Tootha**" Oh Twitter. Hilarious.
  2. People are hyping Granato beyond where he should be at this point. Seems like a good dude, but 31 other NHL HC's have been in hockey for their lives. Main exception was DG's predecessor. In their last 10 games they were 3-7 and averaged less than 3 goals per. Expectations just need to be kept in check because it could get ugly next season.
  3. NFL franchises each get a $300M check every year for revenue sharing. I'm guessing NHL teams receive significantly less. From a purely financial perspective, those comparisons are not relevant. NFL teams have to be really screwed up not to make money even in the pandemic. I just keep seeing Terry pop up in everything and insistent on reducing costs. With the Pegula's owning the Bills now (as opposed to when they first bought the Sabres) I don't think they'll be big spenders unless the team gets good. And that's not gonna happen for at least 1-2 season. So, they'll respond accordingly in a financial sense because even they're not dense enough to know tickets and merch sales will be way down this year.
  4. There isn't one fan here who would work for a company that's on the fast track to going out of business. Even if, as an employee, you had stock in the company. I see a lot of people wanting this to just be over. It will be, but as the inevitable forms where the rebuild is going, I'm willing to wait patiently. The back and forth unfolding between Adams/the team, other prospective trade partners, and Eichel's camp must continue. That's how deals go down. Still, unless Buffalo starts getting some executive decisions right, there'll be more players wanting out. It is impossible to win in pro sports without outstanding management and the jury's out on whether that in place.
  5. Did Jack kick your dog? I thought he was a dog owner or something.
  6. Very possible. Something has definitely changed to prompt them to get penny-wise with the Sabres. Back in the first few years they didn't seem to have budget limitations like they do now.
  7. I read earlier that Terry is objecting to taking on some cap in the deal with Minnesota. That supports they're in cost cutting mode this year which dovetails nicely with the strip down Adams is executing. Basically the rebuild works for Terry because they're in cost reduction mode. I guess there were no more gas wells to drill.
  8. Terry is sent on a season long vacation to Tahiti and they don't permit him internet access to meddle with hockey ops? And, he takes Kim Antoinette.
  9. People prepare to play pro sports before they get to the professional ranks. It's not that hard.
  10. I think people have Jack wrong in some respects. He's a Type A personality and you take the good with the bad with those people. He's been incredibly driven his whole life going back 10+ years, but Type A's are demanding. Everyone's speculating about him being a bad egg in the locker room. Maybe. Maybe not. But the one thing many sports fans aren't seeing is that players of this generation have more say to the point of forcing a team's hand. That's just reality and price of fielding a competitive team save for perhaps the current incarnation of the Milwaukee Bucks. Jack wants to win and Buffalo has demonstrated they don't know what the heck they're doing there. Anyone who works hard for a decade plus at their craft will grow frustrated with the support structure.
  11. Difference this time is they're budgeting less for player salaries. The team struggling means less in revenue and the brilliant Pegula's compensate by reducing payroll. It's a vicious cycle going on right now. Owners don't get over-ruled. If you want to keep working for them, either do what they tell them or have the persuasive skills to mollify them when you do different than their desires.
  12. They're not tanking deliberately this time even though the 2021-22 W-L probably gets them a high pick. Still isn't the objective. They are removing their self-proclaimed "bad eggs," going full youth movement, and cutting salary. If they get another top pick it's icing on the cake. Adams has been empowered as much as ownership allows to start completely over. Now that I think about it, reminds me of 2013-14.
  13. That may work in Arizona, where the fan base is much smaller and there are 3 other pro teams. In Buffalo, I can't see the fans accepting another 2 seasons of bad hockey waiting for kids to develop. Other external factors impact the personnel side of the team and a lengthy rebuild. One is team revenue and we're seeing that as the Pegula's lose money, they cut costs. Ticket sales are gonna go down this season as the arena allows fans back, particularly with more losing and the departure of Jack.
  14. It's clear that a team needs to become competitive fast or else the wheels begin to fall off an organization. Players begin to want out, fans are disinterested or upset, and a new rebuild is necessary. The Pegula's may have given KA 2-3 years, but I'm not sure key players and the fans will have that much patience.
  15. It'll take 2-3 years to know whether stripping down the roster of supposed malcontents was effective. I'm not advocating firing him, but he's been on the job a year. My issue is the Pegula's don't learn from their mistakes. I think much of Adams' moves last year were driven by Krueger, who held power in the organization until being rightfully canned. I don't know why the Pegula's allowed him so much control, but I'm guessing he wowed them in interviews a la Rex Ryan. Maybe Adams succeeds and their picks produce. I don't know because it's too early to tell. I just don't trust the Pegula's to finally get a GM hire right AND get out of the way to let that person make decisions.
  16. Pegula's reaction after lackluster hires was to stop trusting anyone outside their organization for the GM role and promote from within. That tells the story about the situation and now it's prompted multiple players to want out. KA didn't create this problem...but I don't see him fixing it. Sending players out the door is easy compared to the scouting, player development, and coaching required to build a roster and system.
  17. The comparisons with the Bills really need to end. McDermott and Beane made their share of mistakes from the outset, but they were bold at QB and it worked. They're also pretty good about admitting mistakes and moving on quickly. And, they were given the money to spend consistent with a league that sends 250M+ to teams from the TV/merch revenue sharing. This as opposed to the NHL where the top C in the NHL cannot control a game nearly as much as a QB does in the NFL. One that doesn't share major revenue with teams. McD was a well-thought of HC candidate when he was hired. Beane had been in NFL front offices. The Sabres meanwhile hired Granato who was not thought of by anyone in the NHL as a top HC candidate. Adams is the "we knew him" hire by the Pegula's who has zero front office experience. The Pegula's can't get out of their own way with the Sabres. They'd made enough mistakes with the Bills (Whaley, Rex) that leaders came in and demanded control. Terry and Kim gave it, but you won't see that with the Sabres. It's gonna be lit when Eichel gets dealt.
  18. It's pretty likely they'll be near the bottom of the standings next season. And it's why I can't wait for people to say, "look, we lost with Eichel, Reinhart, and Risto...ergo, they didn't make much difference" next season. But, the culture is so amazing! The steps it's taken to force this latest rebuild are what's frustrating. You don't have 3 veterans essentially say they want out without there being some deep issues above ice level. Those aren't resolved merely by replacing decent to talented veterans with youth. But what can you do? The GM is entrenched and his strategy to blow it all up isn't gonna change.
  19. Catching lightning in a bottle isn't a strategy. But it's all that's left with Terry and Kim at the helm.
  20. I was watching draft coverage yesterday on ESPN and John Davidson was interviewed about the Seth Jones trade. Davidson made it clear CBJ was backed into trading him when he wouldn't re-sign. Like they were with Duchene and allowing Bobrovsky to hit UFA before him. The balance of power between players and teams is shading more toward players, especially when they're signed with underperforming franchises. It's definitely not good and makes it increasingly hard for poorly run teams to recover. The onus is on management to get good fast and that started in the NBA but has carried over to the NHL and NFL. I'm torn on Eichel because he's their best player and is under contract. At the same time, the Sabres are a woefully run organization with no signs they're near being a championship caliber team. And all the while, the good teams stay good and the bad ones with bad management are stuck in neutral or constantly rebuilding.
  21. That approach will go over well with players and agents.
  22. The Reinhart trade is a symptom of fan anger right now. Of course, his contract status means less of a return, but the real issue is I gather most fans do not want to rebuild. The team of course isn't calling it that, but sending out productive veterans signals a tear down. Besides, most fans didn't have a problem with Reinhart or Eichel along the lines it seems management has. In sum, there's a huge disconnect between fans and management. The former has lost most if not all of their trust in the latter.
  23. I think Granato falls into the category of just wanting to be a NHL HC. He'll go along with the plan personnel speaking. I'm really interested to see an extension with Dahlin. He's the only player on the team who'll be here next season that has the skill to get a long term contract for good money. If he signs a bridge deal it's not encouraging. I cannot see them spending near the cap this year. Take it FWIW, but Hamilton said they were going no higher than 72M this year.
  24. Not arguing with your assessment on today's moves. I don't believe fan sentiment has been lower in years, but management is digging deeper.
  25. Philadelphia is just a dumb team. KA knew their interest in Risto going back a ways I suspect and exploited it. Not big time savvy involved there. Reading this thread I can't help but recall Buffalo selected 1st this year and that story line is being drowned out by this move. And if the returns are as reported thus far, rightfully so. No offense to Power, but losing your 2nd best forward is not out-weighed by a talented kid who may remain in the CCHA ranks next season. In the division no less.
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