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Everything posted by BUFtoNCfan

  1. Leave my unicorn out of it! Man I like the Bills and Sabres. Get pumped up every year to get get in the crotch. It what us die hard fans do. Do not look for an argument on my stance. Buffalo sells hope and I get in line. What section is Sasquatch sit?
  2. It is a fair question. I think he’s a luxury we can’t afford. I’m ok with some or a lot of the rest of his game is lousy. I personally think we should have moved him at the deadline. I just think it’s ironic that if we got rid of him, and then in a year or two need a goal scorer. I was not arguing to keep him.
  3. They went to see us crush the Bruins. Eternal optimism. But why complain? Maybe I’m missing you r point. No worries.
  4. That’s not the fault of the Sabres fans that are there and cheering. I’ve heard them. God only knows how they are doing it. Sadomasochists I guess?
  5. Mary Anne or Ginger, should we start a poll? 🤣
  6. Man I stay out of the VO wars. I was surprised he wasn’t moved at the deadline to a contender. A team that’s really close that could use a goal scorer. Use him sparingly, then turn him loose on PP. If we trade him, eventually we will be looking for a “goal scorer”. I’m not wading into the argument, especially how heated it is with this freaking game. Plus I’m no expert. I am open to discussion only. That last part wasn’t meant for you.
  7. Me too. Wait, what about Girgenson? I still think he has value on the team, and I think he’s a good A. I don’t know. 🤬
  8. How about an A? I like Tuch for C. If Kyle is gone.
  9. Tickets might be cheap. My kids really liked going to a game. If tickets are cheap and Sabres are done, I’d bring them. They will definitely enjoy the experience. Help them to be fans. They probably aren’t invested enough to care. My kids liked the experience. Hopefully you can take them next year when hopefully we’re playing good hockey. But then it will be expensive. 🤔
  10. Although they are starting to show a little bit of grit.
  11. I’m no hockey guru but I’m sure they are playing him differently. Seems like they always have a defender cheating his way.
  12. I hate pulling goalies early. Unfortunately I think your right.
  13. Boston has zero respect for us. In fact I think they are laughing a bit. 🤬
  14. Omg, totally agree. Can we give him some time to adjust. He definitely can’t be on a “speed line”. Who knows what Donnie’s got planned for him. I’m willing to be patient and I don’t expect the final product this year.
  15. Come on man, it’s Buffalo, there’s always a chance. Nobody sells hope better than Buffalo. 😎 Cue the Jim Carey memes.
  16. I agree they are tough to find. And Im not looking for John Scott. I want a forward to drive the net, and defensemen that generally get pissed about anyone from another team being within three feet of our goalie. For instance if an opposing forward inadvertently makes contact with our goalie after a save, he should at least take gloves to the face. Honestly, I hate that we let them do that. We don’t have to fight, we just need to make it uncomfortable to be there. Eventually they won’t do it. I’m not gonna decide anything long term on Greenway. He just got here. Had to move, meet new teammates, settle in etc. I agree, early eye test is not encouraging. But neither was Tage. I’m not saying he’s Tage, but I’m sure Donnie Meatballs has a plan for him. I think our plan is he crashes the nets and generally abuses the other team. Maybe Donnie sees some offensive upside. Personally, I don’t like it, but my hockey career died when I was 12. I was a pretty good firefighter though. Lol. Thanks for your post. As far as Bryson and Clagg………… I’m with the end of the world folks on here as far as that’s concerned. 😎
  17. Sir, I’m clearly outmatched by your humor. Enjoy your evening in the spotlight. "I am hurt, but I am not slain; I'le lay me downe and bleed a-while,And then I'le rise and fight again." Happy St Patrick’s Day to all on a miserable Sabres performance! 🍀🍺
  18. You funny. That’s sarcasm, right? 🤣 We’ve got to give them a little time though.
  19. That’s certainly seems like the ideal situation. I hate overacting, so I’m not gonna say we need to trade everyone, Fire the coach and gm etc. But finding competent depth so we can keep the boys fresher later should be a goal, along with defense and a bit-o-grit. See what i did there being St Patrick’s day and all? Lol. ok a lot more grit.
  20. I think this is a very astute observation. However, it’s a double edged sword. Play Asplund et al and our record suffers. Bench them and play Peterka and Quinn. Without rest we get this. I guess we still need depth. I thought we had it, but there’s work to be done.
  21. Respectfully, I have no idea how fragile he is, but I agree, keep him away from Boston. Where’s the upside? A win…. Big deal the season is over? Or they get in his head? They will most certainly make a run at him. I am skeptical his teammates would stand up for him. Let him establish some chemistry. Don’t ruin him IF the season is over.
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