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Everything posted by BUFtoNCfan

  1. I’m not gonna argue with you. Man, after watching that I think he’s definitely top 10. He’s a goal scorer. Those weren’t lucky tap in goals. He dominated.
  2. Just curious, where have you heard or read that Compher, Wilson, Hanifan are being considered for Buffalo?
  3. After watching his end of season presser,I’m bringing Kyle back on a one year contract. And I’d pay him more than vet minimum if he wants. I bet he’s older and slower. Heck, watch KO’s presser, he essentially admits it. But his leadership outweighs it all.
  4. Maybe 3/4 of the grit. And that ain’t saying much. Don’t get me wrong, love the direction they are headed in. Sign me a veteran goalie, d man, and some grit. We’ll be good to go.
  5. We are way more talented than CBJ. Can’t believe I’m saying that.
  6. Krebs or Skinner net the game winner. I’m feeling it.
  7. Skinny has got to get a goal tonight, right?!?! So many good looks.
  8. We are going to need to toughen up though. I don’t know if that’s get older and bulk up or bring in a few bigger bodies.
  9. Let’s go up 2-0!
  10. I agree they are calling it even. They don’t seem to favor a team, but they are too active, let some things slide.
  11. The refs are way too involved. On both sides. Let the boys play!
  12. I am out of market. I love ESPN +. That’s where I watch the games.
  13. Please be over. I want to wake up to a victory.
  14. Krebs will for sure. I’m quite certain he’d get his ass whooped, but God love him, he’s always willing, and smiling when he does. Cozens might be the right guy for the job.
  15. Unfortunately that could change tomorrow. It’s Russia after all. Might bar them from coming over.
  16. I like them for long road trips. I find it hard to concentrate on the book in city traffic.
  17. Seems like it’s always that way with a project. I remember years ago, my wife wanted a ceiling fan installed. I’m like, that’s a 15-20 minute job, no problem. Well I pulled the old light fixture expecting a black, white and ground. Well a nest of wires fell out and it got worse from there. Thank God for handy uncles.
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