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Everything posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. I have to say, being a Sabres fan is never ever boring. I would not let either Jack or Sam go.... we own them, make them play and earn their way off this team. Trading Jack now would hurt this team in many ways. Mend the breach and tell him to get better, come back 100% and play well. If things go south we can trade him to a playoff team or greener pasture. Sam is going to put it all on the ice next season as he is playing for a contract. Only benefits us.
  2. We have control of Sam.... keep him this year and do the signings right and put a decent cast around him. We also have control of Jack. again, same scenario. Get our crap together and do this all right.
  3. Can you really blame some of the players for saying what they are saying? All they have known is losing, and it is not even competitive losing.
  4. Wouldn't if be the ***** if Tokarski plays the rest of the season rock solid and we end up with a late bloomer guy that can actually win games for us? Although even if that happened, the Minder situation needs to be fixed for next season. Going into next season with Ullmark and Tokarski would be a fail in my book. Ullmark is becoming "Glass Joe" and we need someone that can be counted on.
  5. This team has nothing to prove but to themselves and their coaches. I say let the hounds of hell loose and lets see what we have. This is an extended preseason for next year and there is still pride in the kids.
  6. Well with Montour gone we are going to go with 6 d so that will free up one spot.
  7. NESN is the worst NHL Broadcast. They can be getting throttled 20-1 and their team is the end all be all....LOL No bigger Homers in the NHL.
  8. The only leverage we had over Hall was to keep him and let him stew in Buffalo. Was KA at fault and got swindled? Possibly. Did he do all that he could? I thiunk he did the best he could. He is in a position of power with little or no help. He got as many picks as he could and has publicly said we need a bigger scouting Dept. I do not have major issues with a first time GM making some mistakes. It happens. It is whether he learns from them and can make the team better.
  9. Bruins cannot score 5V5 and it has been a problem all year for them. I do not believe Hall or Lazar can play for them yet. (Could be wrong). Unfortunately or fortunately for me I let my NHL TV subscription go and not going to renew so forced to monitor the phone or listen to GR. Either way i hope the kids continue to prove they deserve to play in the NHL and Granato continues to impress as coach. Ohhhh and F$&K Boston!!!
  10. Him and his staff are slowly getting to be deserved as decent contenders to stay in the position IMHO. They are getting more out of the younger players then ANY coach before them has. The team seems to be listening and responding to him and his current staff. NHL network had a bunch of good things to say about him. Would be happy to see how the season plays out. If they are playing hard and .500 i would consider letting it ride with him and his staff.
  11. If he wants to stay i am good with that. He has proven he can be a #1
  12. This was an off game and sloppy compared to their last 5-6 games, but the skills the kids have definitely shows through as they have not been missing on their chances when they get them. Was a fun game to watch and hate to say it i am going to be sad when Ullmark is gone.
  13. We as Sabres fans are a jaded bunch. I have been a die harder since day one, and get it, but this is real over reaction.
  14. I see a ton of over reaction. I do not know what you expected to get from players on a team that did not win for 18 games. The Sabres were never in a position of power in any of these trades. Stall - an older center with a few goals left. 2 picks not bad. Hall - he has hit the wall hard!! Look at his production the last couple of years. Nobody was saying we were going to get a first for him. Montour - Someone we did not need as we have 3 other on the team that can do the same thing. We got a 3rd and Florida took full salary, and they got a defenseman that can skate, score and does not know how to play defense. My biggest gripe was losing Lazar, but he can be easily replaced. We are all jaded from being Sabresfans. But, this is some serious over reaction to KA.
  15. Un ugly off game where the boys were definitely outworked and out skated all game. Its gonna happen. Also, we are still playing without our top 3 centers and 2 best defensive dmen. I still see things as not as bad as i did when RK was here.
  16. I have been reading this thread for a few days..... My take. Jack does not want to be a loser and i believe he is dedicated to the Sabres. That being said, him seeing the changes that have occurred even after the coaching change is going to make him happy as he is going to be able to play his game and not have to worry about "The Process". Lets face it, the process was a offensive restrictive system that most of the free wheeling players were stifled under. Once this team has its talent back, AKA Jack, Cozens, and Lazar, I think we will see more even a more explosive offensive output.
  17. The Sabres definitely showed they still have problems with tight checking teams. But, they are also showing they can take great advantage of the other teams mistakes in their own end and make them pay. Devils play a fast defensive tight checking game that keeps them in most every game against everyone. Sabres played it well and hung in there and took advantage of what they got. Dahlin played one of his better games in the offensive zone and i hope he keeps going that way.
  18. All 3 players Mitts, Tage and Asplund all have some skill. Tage and Mitts are making the most of their time here to prove they deserve to stay. If they can build that chemistry i think they will be a decent 3rd line.
  19. If we cannot get a 1st, then it needs to be a player that fills a need or prospect that is ready to play now.
  20. Totally Agree to this..... unless we are going to get a FAIR return, we are not a charity to help other teams for minimal cost. We keep who we have and play out the year and let the pieces fall where they may. I think we all believe that this team is better then their record shows and now that they are playing like they should have been all along i think we will see what we really have.
  21. I think we extend him 3 years at 5-6 Mil per. He is a much better player then what we are seeing.
  22. Yes, and no.... the team in front of him is playing a ton different under Granato. He deserves some credit. Better minder helps and i like Linus, but this is a team improvement mostly and it shows.
  23. I think Tage and Mitts are benefitting from the current state of the Sabres. Both are playing better then in the past. Both have always had the skills to be in the NHL, but the head and body needed to get there. Do not think they are top 6 or borderline at best, but they are looking a lot better. Their strengths (Their shots mostly) have never changed. Just getting into their heads where to go to take them needs to get better. Both in my eyes are showing they can belong in the NHL but lets see them do it for 82 games.
  24. I think what is really helping the team is who is behind the bench. They are smart enough to realize that you cannot fit a square peg into a round hole. From coach to assistants, they are all hard working NHLers that are going to expect that from the players. They are also utilizing each of the individual players strengths. We are seeing Tage and Mitts seriously benefit from this.... on a side not I got my Roswell park helmet on Sat..... TY #72!! Wife was hoping for Montour, but happy with Tage.
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