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Everything posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. I am out... may this team all die in a hole. Daughter quote. They are horrible and all hockey stupid. F Pegs, F KA, F this team
  2. You are right, our players are Rank.... lol
  3. I feel a lackluster performance coming.....ohhhh wait, that is 8 of 10 games for us... lol
  4. With some wins we can start to catch playoff teams that are faltering. But........
  5. All the playoff teams in front are losing...too bad we cannot score
  6. Listening to this made me sick. He is a GM, not the players best friend. He even mentioned bringing Girgs back!! Wtf!! Please get him the Puck out of here!
  7. Mitts looking fast in his first Avs game!!!
  8. Lack of owner, GM, coach, grit, skill, mental toughness....etc. etc.
  9. We have zero chance at playoffs. Our offense is joke. We are lhd central. How many spots can we realistically drop??
  10. This team is so screwed for the rest of the year.... serious tank going to happen
  11. I cannot say enough how much I hate this group of Sabres. I have never seen a more gutless clueless group. Pass pass pass give away.... idiots
  12. Having no shots for the first 15 minutes of the game and 2 total shots in the 3rd period AGAINST THE LEAFS is not a good game. That is a joke.
  13. Ok, going to be direct here. Not a chance in hell we are making the playoffs so time to move on from that pipe dream. Open topic on what needs to be done this offseason: - Add power forward. We need some damn grit, sandpaper and someone that is not afraid to go to the front of the net and lay the body. - Goodbye to Girgs, Okposo, EJ, Olofsson, Comrie and Skinner (Great idea xzy89c1!!!) Yes i know some may already be gone by then..... - Get a RHD that is physical and can clear our own net front. NOT A SCORING DMAN!!!!! - Short leash on both KA and Donnie no nuts. If the team sucks 1/4 of the way in, they are gone. This team needs some serious accountability from top down. - A backup for 6K, Levi stays in Rochester another year. - Draft physical and hard to play against!!!! We have enough skilled stick checkers on the team and in the pipeline. The Sabres as an organization should only have one goal (Ok, 3) . Fill the damn stands, win hockey games and make the damn playoffs. Anything else should be a straight up failure.
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