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Everything posted by Buffalonill

  1. ***** this organization I'm so done .. You get your hopes up every f****** year to get smashed
  2. Fire Adams please he is not the guy wtf
  3. Would you be okay with him
  4. God I hope so but hey I'll forget everything in 3 years when I'm sucking down Jello in the nursing home
  5. Probably 14th ,2nd, Noah Östlund He's a UFA
  6. Ehlers would be fun . Ofcourse adams wants to bring another Buffalo boy home I don't think this is a lie at all
  7. He's still elite and a champion and knows how to get to the playoffs what's wrong with that ?overpay as much as you can
  8. If stamkos saves buffalo hockey I'll quit drinking.
  9. Hedman new captain It took that long to move back 3 spots lol 😆
  10. Buffalo definitely lost the trade He would have been in buffalo long term if they didn't screw with him so much smh
  11. They didn't lose any picks for last year
  12. I'm not mad you can see he has a trade lined up Hopefully it's a impact player
  13. You want Trouba? He's horrible ranger fans would dance in the streets
  14. Savoie guy will be a star
  15. Guenther had 35 points in 45 games with a ***** Coyotes team He is a 40 goa scorer soon
  16. No it's likely to happen he just saw all his X team mates win the cup why wouldn't he leave if things don't go good ? Power for Guenther
  17. You take crosby over mcdavid ? Really crosby always comes in the clutch no matter what he has an aura around him at all times he's like tom brady . McDavid is Andrew luck right now
  18. Number 1 reason he shouldn't be captain
  19. Have nothing against the guy hopefully he does good in Toronto just not against buffalo
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