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Everything posted by Buffalonill

  1. Welp if Florida chokes this cup Away that has to be the biggest choking in history Yikes
  2. I've seen this story before and then they win 4-1 lol
  3. Man I really hope we make the playoffs I want ruff to succeed so badly again
  4. His defense game was something else back in his prime days if McDavid had his instincts they would easily won the series
  5. I know I sound like a McDavid hater I'm not Maybe someday he will hit that level but Prime Crosby Just Hits this switch and he makes it moments and history
  6. You clearly forgot who prime crosby was he blows McDavid out of the water defensively and it's not even close sure McDavid would outscore him but having Crosby 2 way game likely changes the series
  7. Who would you take Prime Crosby or McDavid for the finals? That's all that needs to be said
  8. Fighting is so useless hopefully it's a guy that hits and fights and actually is good at hockey and not a Andrew Peters
  9. I'm just tired of people comparing him to Gretzky when he hasn't even surpassed Crosby once he starts winning cups then it can start . All he is right now is the greatest regular season player
  10. Buffalo got a bunch of lottery tickets Florida got a guy that scored 121 goals with 243 points in 246 games Buffalo lost
  11. Crosby is the better all around player and you can't deny that McDavid will get his points but I would take Crosby any day over him in the playoffs
  12. What has he done this series besides the four point night ?
  13. Who's ready for some macaroni art from the grandkids and stuff you'll never use but the memories last a lifetime. And grilling for everyone but the mothers always get the fancy restaurant on mother's day
  14. McDavid is no Gretzky tell me when he actually takes over and dominates and this series is over anyway Beside His game 4 that whopping 3 points in 3 games sure is Gretzky level
  15. You clearly don't remember Prime Sidney Crosby And really you're using the playoff format that they're using now for his point total come on now
  16. If McDavid wants to be one of the greats he has to take over this game if not he's just the greatest of getting points in the regular season
  17. Crosby would scary you when things get to crunch time this guy just Folds
  18. Disappointing series and now it's over
  19. It's the obvious choice but maybe they don't want to put too much pressure on him and let him play his game He's the new adam mair
  20. Pretty easy to see who the next captain is
  21. That's true but he carved a nice career
  22. I'm happy for Erod one of the good things Jack ever did was making buffalo sign him he had a successful career
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