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Everything posted by Kong

  1. I wouldn't mind Eichel sitting out the entire year without a trade and have him heal up. Maybe then after the 2022 season is over he'lll be at close to 100 percent without an operation and Buffalo can get a fair trade for him. I'm convinced the timing isn't right for a fair trade right now, he needs more time to heal and Eichel's situation with Buffalo has become so unbearable that I don't want to ever see him in a Buffalo uniform again.
  2. I wanted to say this about Eichel...for the most part, his failure to lift the team up as captain and as #2 overall wasn't entirely his fault. Looking at this video, it appears that both parties weren't too thrilled with the selection. Buffalo's sole focus for tanking was McDavid. And when that rug was pulled out from under them, it appeared to have not been a match made in heaven. GMTM threw a tantrum and Eichel didn't look too thrilled either. So the Sabres didn't start off on the right foot with Eichel and this is where it ends...with a bad trade from an inexperienced GM no doubt.
  3. And while you're at it, Uncle Terry, bring back Ville Leino. Your ability to spot hockey talent is unsurpassed.
  4. Score more goals, let in less.
  5. Here's some mixed action clips on Brian Spencer RIP from the film "Gross Misconduct.". There's also a book by the same title about Spencer. You may have read that Spencer's father Roy was shot and killed in front of CKPG Radio/TV on the night of Brian's NHL debut. Roy had forcefully entered the station, held up the eight staff working that night and tried to get them to broadcast the Leaf's game with Spinner's debut when he was shot and killed.
  6. There, fixed it for you.
  7. Maybe Gallant/Boudreau knew more than the Pegulas and of course, they can't have that. They need to know more than everybody.
  8. Don't forget Floyd Smith, who took the first face-off ever in Sabres history and was coach in the great years. He's 86. Three more discovered deceased: Steve Atkinson, Mike Byers, Chris Evans, all from the class of 71-72. Whoever else is compiling this list can use this running count as of now: Steve Atkinson, Ken Breitenbach, Mike Byers, Roger Crozier, Paul Cyr, Richie Dunn, Chris Evans, Reggie Fleming, Norm Gratton, Dale Hawerchuk, Tim Horton, Tom Kurvers, Danny Lawson, Real Lemieux, Rick Martin, Larry Mickey, Steve Montador, Kevin O’Shea, Jacques Richard, Rene Robert, Doug Rombough, Cliff Schmautz, Eddie Shack, Al Smith, Brian Spencer, Paul Terbenche, Denis Tsygurov and Vladimir Tsyplakov.
  9. I think the Hab run of good fortune is over. Tampa in 4. But what do I know?
  10. Besides Martin, Robert and Horton, a quick check yielded these names....Ken Breitenbach, Roger Crozier, Reggie Fleming, Norm Gratton, Dale Hawerchuk, Tom Kurvers, Danny Lawson, Larry Mickey, Steve Montador, Jacques Richard, Doug Rombough, Cliff Schmautz, Eddie Shack, Al Smith, Brian Spencer, Paul Terbenche, Denis Tsygurov and Vladimir Tsyplakov.
  11. Marshall's 89. Phil Goyette, who Punch acquired I think along with Marshall is now 87. Both multiple cup winners.
  12. Here is Gerard Gallant's NY Post interview when they asked him about the ideal hockey player, playing the game the right way etc.. I love his answers. Buffalo needs these kinds of players and mentality so badly. This guy should have been the Sabres coach. https://nypost.com/2021/06/26/gerard-gallant-opens-up-as-new-rangers-coach/
  13. Not sure if RJ is going to retire, maybe he should, although he still has great moments. HOFer Pat Foley has just left the Blackhawks. I'd love a Pat Foley announcing for the Sabres, though he might not have the imagination to make this tire fire exciting like RJ has the last 10-15 years.
  14. No that's the Penguins...I think it's #18 Lowell McDonald. And maybe #19 Jean Pronovost in the background.
  15. I'm an ebay dealer and just made a sale, so I went down to the basement and got the item out of inventory and I'll ship it tomorrow. One other item I dredged up from the basement was a dented orange tube full of posters that were all rolled up inside. So I brought it upstairs and started looking through it...a bunch of silent movie posters, an original Apollo 11 poster, some other posters and this one below, which sent the chills down my spine.
  16. Not impressed.
  17. For those of you too young to have experienced it, the Sabres actually won on a regular basis during the 70s. I feel bad for Sabres fans who only know the record-setting losing. This is back when we was good.
  18. Sounds like Buffalo's going to get a socialist mayor. Good luck with that one.
  19. Rene Robert was a clutch playoff performer whose acquisition put the Sabres over the top. His career was resurrected in Buffalo, like Danny Briere. The chemistry between the French Connection was amazing. Robert made it all work for both of his linemates. It was a happy time in the 1970s. The Sabres were the expansion team everyone patterned itself after, making it to the finals in four years, much like the Golden Knights. Then Buffalo ran into the Islanders, who out-Sabred the Sabres. It's too bad they couldn't get a couple more guys and a good goalie for that 74-75 team...we could have won it all. In the French article from Trois Rivieres it said that he thought it was indigestion and was in pain 3-4 days seemingly before going to the hospital...at least that's what the translation seems to say. Rene say hi to Rico up there for us and celebrate with a stogie and a bud. Rest in peace Rene, much too soon. https://www.lenouvelliste.ca/sports/rene-robert-nest-plus-b0ba448e6dc3d1a140c38f48e930fc4b
  20. Kong

    Dominik Hasek

    I wasn't aware, though it might be predictable, that Hasek holds the NHL record for shutotouts in one month, six...in '97-98. That's about two shutouts a week. That's crazy.
  21. Kong

    Dominik Hasek

    And to think he was a 10th round draft pick...
  22. With all the chaos surrounding this organization, thinking of good things can't hurt. To recap,Dominik Hasek's story is that Buffalo picked him up as a backup goalie from Chicago for next to nothing. In Buffalo, he developed into arguably the greatest goalie of all time. Listening to the Hockey Guy talk about Hasek on youtube brings it all back. One thing I realized in his talk about Hasek is that it's probably true Buffalo was not even a playoff team without Hasek. He took them to the Finals but...we know the rest. At the height of his fame, the Sabres paid Hasek a huge $9 million a year salary. Hasek enabled a team of pluggers to have wild success but in the end, the talent and depth on the team was too thin and possibly his salary hamstrung the team, much like Eichel-Skinner does now. Then Hasek went to Detroit who was in a much different position...the team had the stars, talent and depth the Sabres lacked and acquiring Hasek was the coups de gras. Lesson learned: there is no shortcut to building a great franchise. You can't spend huge chunks of change on one or two great players. Do it right and then add the final pieces like Hasek in place to cement winning.
  23. This offseason is a brilliant opportunity to remake the entire roster. Buffalo should stack its team with guys who are 6'6 and over. They might not be good but they'd be spectacular.
  24. You can't pay two guys $20 million to be on your team. It totally unbalances the rest of the team's salary structure. To me, the only way to accumulate talent in a significant way on a team is to have the star players go on hometown discounts. Look at the Aves. Otherwise you get a Sabres team like Hasek's, where his huge salary lowered the salaries for the rest of the team and prevented higher priced players from coming here. A team has to be in balance.
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