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Everything posted by Kronsteen

  1. No enthusiasm whatsoever on this powerplay. They just don't care.
  2. Good of the refs to show that it's business as usual after today's announcement.
  3. Yeah, I actually feel a little heartened by that performance. Still have no idea where the next win is going to come from, but at least that looked a little bit like a hockey team and not just some dudes skating around with sticks.
  4. You think Skinner's happy that RFK is gone?
  5. Probably all caps, since it's an acronym. Appropriate since this game's been all Caps, too.
  6. I guess I'm some sort of spectre now, then ...
  7. I said to my wife before the game started that it was cruel of the Sabres to force RJ to commentate on this shower. She goes "Eh, it's a night out for him and a treat for the rest of us."
  8. I am trying to think of one positive thing for the Sabres from this game. I cannot come up with anything.
  9. Sabres break ... three bearing down on the blue line ... and dump it in and change. Why?
  10. This is criminal. Every single Sabre looks defeated. They have no idea how to stop the bleeding on the ice.
  11. Southampton lost to Everton 1-0 today. This was their eighth loss in nine games. It sounds to me like they need a certain chairman to return in order to right their ship. Win-win (except maybe for Southampton).
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