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Everything posted by Shmuffalo

  1. Not sure why I'm expanding on an something irrelevant, but as to "intangibles" and "leadership," Crosby was around Lemieux, Recchi, Roberts, and plenty more (NHL's number 101 best player of all time Malkin)... He was dogged for whining, and complaining to refs (which, I disagree with it, save for his first year), but even after they won in 09, he still carried the image in many people's mind up until maybe 2014/15. And no, Eichel is no Crosby, just that the perception of players change as they mature - problem being, Eichel (or his agent) hammered this issue, and it's not a tremendous look, moreover, if his agent stopped leaking sh-- to the press, I think he'd be gone. We know you want and expect a trade, we want and expect a reasonable return. Suck it up, John, you signed for the long haul and now you want out; aren't contracts a pain in the neck. /s
  2. Didn't know Crosby was being shopped.
  3. May just be me, but, I'm fine if we name Waka Flocka captain.
  4. Well assumed let down of a day, and was bit worse than I expected... time to go the store
  5. Don't mean to laugh, but it's comical he's still with the Post. I dont know the first he has on whoever is in charge, but it must be something' of calamity sized proportion.
  6. Trust me, I had to read that 3 times to figure out what the hell he's talking about. Of course a team is going to be in a tough spot if a top 6 center is injured, the point of grabbing a top 10 C is you can compete despite injuries, and you're not ... no I can't go down this moronic calamity bus stop rabbit hole... Crisis, er, calamity avoided, thankfully. Ill end on this, quoting the great Brian Madison, father of Billy Madison, "[Brooksie], are you some kind of damn'd moron?"
  7. Sans the calamity, of course.
  8. Per "Bus Stop" Brooksie: Imagine the calamity. I mean, hijinks and shenanigans are one thing, but my lord, the calamity. If only they had depth, and solid prospects ... wait.
  9. If Zegras is somehow coming to Buffalo, I think they may hold off on the announcement, kid has to play Warzone!
  10. Vancouver doesn't have to worry about a Pettersson offer sheet if ... they don't have Pettersson.
  11. Buddy, do you understand how well the Rangers scout? That 3rd is going to be the first defenseman to (somehow) win the Norris/Art Ross/Rocket Richard/Calder in 2023; Christopher ain't trading Bobby Orr 5.0 for this pigeon. edit. Also pretty sure he said Kool Aid, not Kincaid. 20 games worth of Kool Aid in fact! Hell of deal, they get the best Kool Aid.
  12. *Live Look at Eichel* "Ha, whoa, hey! Hey, fellers! This is like real-life Mario Kart 64 Rainbow Road... I wanna go again! Can you call Eliott back, and and and tell him I'm not happy, and this loopity loop is making my neck ache for some reason, tell Elliott I'm dizzy.. got that, dizzy, K - Thanks..."
  13. Haha, I replied, but the thread never accepted.. then I saw my tirade (and lord, I sound like Eichel's agent). I'm going to get some fresh air and break in my new goalie equipment.
  14. Eichel is a flat circle.
  15. HockeyBuzz Headline: 'Anaheim Ducks Beat Hockey Reporter ... Story Developing' E4 Edit. Sorry about that lol.
  16. He can pick where, but so can the Sabres... if he wants to sit out 4 years, more power to him, enjoy a Russian vacation - maybe he'll win the coveted Putin Diamond Better Than Stanley Hudson Cup Kup in the KHL.
  17. I could care less Eichel's "camp" is not happy; I do care they're leaking information (albeit minor) every few days. It's the never ending loop of damage control: 1. Eichel outs the injury, and blames the team; 2. Sabres rebut his claim, as do other doctors, that its a high-risk procedure; 3. Few months later, Eichel's agent says "he feels great" and is skating (awesome to hear); 4. Kevyn Adams, mind bogglingly, just when there is some restoration to his value, plays aloof he's even skating; 5. Eichel's camp leaks they expect a trade soon, "... and that has been the main issue" (Not sure if the precise quote is correct, but most reports left that final part out, and I think it's important - it is an issue; 6. Eichel's throws a hissy fit, and now his face is rosy like strawberry. This kindergarten seesaw of damaging/recovering/damaging/recovering Eichel's value hurts my brain. Is his camp that disillusioned these "leaks" are neither helping him nor the Sabres. I'm not saying trade him now, I think there is a 75% possibility [emphersis (sic) added] that this goes until mid-late August. Whatever, I got a contract, time to learn to goalie.
  18. I did not win gold (didn't even make the team, apparently), but the Sabres offered me 4 million aav/5 years to play goalie, never did it before, fun to try new things! Happy free agency, everyone!
  19. I mean it's possible at a 90% chance I win a gold in the Olympic Men's 3 on 3 basketball game today. "I may not be very tall, but I'm slow." I'll keep everyone abreast!
  20. Yeah... that's my bad. I made about 50 or so thousand alt accounts over the past year with the hope of pressuring 31 other teams into taking Eichel. Kidding aside, I understand teams/fans value shiny new prospects, but not every ****'n prospect is turning into a #1C or top pairing defenseman.
  21. Brooksie, shouldn't you be getting beat up at a bus stop? My god, I'm tired of the Rangers' narrative every prospect they have is the second coming of Gretzky/Orr.
  22. Please, no spoilers, I'm still on page 92.
  23. *throw him in, gently
  24. Which is why Terry is in Boca with his cell service cut off
  25. If anyone in the front office feels pressured by Eichel in this situation, please resign.
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