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Everything posted by Shmuffalo

  1. Well hot damn, ready to wear his knockoff Dave and Adams Goat Head jersey they released a couple years ago.
  2. 100% percent (that's double percent) plays a factor; Also the prima-donna notion arose rather drastically, as well (not there weren't rumblings of that prior), but far more the former.
  3. Well, one, this is the ice rink, baby. Two... exactly. We know where KA stands, not ... literally. Im not exactly hopeful our return is the exact ask, but thought, other teams would cave first ... this Anti Eichel PR from Flounder and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Donatell[o] is fu--ing weird.
  4. It is, just sign his John, er Herby Hancock, waiving Buffalo's liability. We'll reach 700 in no time.
  5. 1. Can't give legal advice; 2. Do not know his contract, insurance status, so what else can I give but hypotheticals; & 3. I'm billing this to Brooskie.
  6. Easy, make him sign a waiver.
  7. Right, I just meant Eichel damage control - He's likely pissed his agents let this drag out, or convinced him to sign an 8 year deal vs. bridge, or because he got the silver AMG rather than black....so they're deflecting blame on Buffalo (right or wrong). I have a headache. Im done.
  8. That's my point; I only set is a hypothetical, but if he gets "his" surgery, the contract becomes voidable ... the question turns to how much time does the team have should the surgery go wrong? Inaction (not immediately terminating the contract after material breach) is often viewed as action (it was a breach, however the team failed to act in "x" amount of time, and it's viewed as permission or barred by some contractual timeline). I don't know if the Sabres can have their cake and eat it too. Saying this, I fully expect news to break we acquired Kaapo Kakko and a conditional 3rd for Eichel (Retaining 20% of his Cap) in the coming weeks. (shoot me).
  9. You misunderstood me, once he goes against the Sabres directive with the surgery, the contract (by all accounts, unless it's the worst written player contract) becomes voidable. However, to preserve an asset, I only posed the question, can the Sabres do a "wait and see approach."
  10. Right, I wonder how much is their self-interest damage control, I doubt John's too happy
  11. I doubt it immediately voids it, but imagine it becomes voidable (question is when/how much time do the Sabres have to terminate the contract ... I don't know the answer, or if this issue arose, but if they let him play post surgery, it's arguable the Sabres indirectly acquiesced to the surgery). Just an all around sh-t show. But to your point, from an agent's perspective ('Dolla Dolla Bill, Ya'll') it would sure suck potentially losing a guaranteed percentage of 50 million and likely the client.
  12. Speculation, but think it's come to the point, they agree, Johnny needs surgery. Now, which surgery is the issue. From listening to the 31 Thoughts Pod, reading about the surgery... worst case, the artificial disc fails, and he gets the fusion - unless the doctor is full of sh--, it sounds reasonable ( from an insurance standpoint, assuming the contract is insured - it may not sound reasonable). Basically, I don't know what the hell is going to happen. The traditional surgery is a fusion; John's doctor wants the artificial disc, and if it should fail, its the fusion. At least from my understanding.
  13. Issue remains, how are they going about this
  14. Not to mention, if you're a team like Minnesota or say a low-mid market with assets, your window to nab a true #1 center, locked in for 5 years, is closing. Once the NMC kicks in, John (likely) blocks all trades, aside from Boston or NY. Logically, those teams should jump at this chance... but it's like everyone is taking crazy pills.
  15. Let's cool it on complimenting Bus Stop Brooksie.
  16. I don't know, the weird pissing match (?) between Fish and the Sabres is kind of funny. I never got the feeling from Eichel's camp he's pressuring anything /s
  17. Go ahead and have the surgery, and make the contract voidable. John can afford it.
  18. I get Rob Rossi and Russo confused, far too often. Apologies to Michael.
  19. I'd eat 2 million for a solid return. In 5 years, the cap "should" go up, believe thats when the COVID CBA protocols drop... plus, face it, we're not contending for a while.
  20. Do you look like Dmitri Kalinin?
  21. Hasek came to my birthday party. I don't know what he gave me, might've been Home Alone 2 on VHS, NOT REWOUND. I was 7, and boy was I was pissed.
  22. [Eichel's] been smooching everybody. Snuffy, Al, Leo... Little Moe with the gimpy leg, Cheeks, Boney Bob... Cliff!
  23. Is nothing something?
  24. I'd say the is a possibility of 74.8% 🤫
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