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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Good players on teams are often dealt or let go because of the cap squeeze. It happens all the time. Rosters are constructed differently with different emphasizes in the units. You and others understandably advocated to upgrade our goaltending this offseason. Most people would agree with you that there were visible deficiencies. Why didn't it happen? You don't think that cap considerations played a part in continuing with the status quo at that position? The Cap issue isn't a jargon issue. It's a reality that forces decisions relating to one's priorities and one's vision as to how to construct a roster. Certainly, one strives to have a complete well-rounded roster. It usually doesn't happen no matter what analytics you want to rely on. In the real world you live with limitations.
  2. I have a more lenient assessment of how this front office handled the offseason than you do over what transpired this offseason. If you look at all the teams in the league, even the elite teams, few of them are complete in the sense that not all their units are considered finished products. In a cap system you make judgments in where to spend your resources to upgrade each unit on the team. You make tradeoffs. If you spend heavily to make your lineup more potent that could be at the expense of not spending at a level that will upgrade your goaltending unit. You make a calculation/judgment as to whether it is better to spend $8 M for an elite forward who should add a lot of firepower or not sign him and spread out the money to upgrade your goalie position. I believe that the GM made the right decision in signing Hall at the probable expense of adding another goalie. The hope is that Ullmark will be the primary goaltender who will play at an adequate level to allow this team to be competitive. And from an overview sense if the Sabres score more there will be a greater margin of error for the goaltending position to work within.
  3. Top 5? You know what that means? Exciting hockey to watch! Let's get this season started. As I stated before my preference is to load up the first line. However, those arguing to add to the second line at the expense of the first line are also making a compelling argument. Whatever side of the issue one is one the residual benefit for both positions is that the scoring should be higher. That should compensate for some of the deficiency at the goalie position.
  4. I don't want to derail the topic but you bring up what can be an interesting debate. If our first line was made up with Hall/Jack/Samson how would it be rated compared to the other first lines in the league. Would it be a top 5 or 10 or 12 or16? If Hall can regain his form and this line can quickly mesh I believe that it can be in the top 8 first lines in the league. Am I being too wishful?
  5. This is my opinion but I believe that Reinhart will be on the first line because it is already known that he meshes with Jack and he has demonstrated an ability to have a net presence that would not only obstruct the goalie's sight line but be in a position for a rebound with two other shooters on the line. Last year, Krueger could have moved Reinhart to the second line in order to buttress the line Skinner was on. He didn't do that. And with the addition of Staal and other options for the wing he has enough talent to construct an effective Skinner/Staal second line. side note: What does TIA mean?
  6. My understanding is that the TV contract is up after this year. It's in both the players and the owners interests to have a season in whatever form (abbreviated or not/no fans or limited fans) in or order to negotiate a more lucrative deal with the TV side of the industry. If this season is scrapped while other pro sports find a way to salvage a season then hockey will fall to the bottom of the totem pole. When starting off you are already considered a niche sport falling out of view puts you in a very precarious position from a fan and financial situation.
  7. He is speculating as is every one else is to the makeup of the lines. The first line that he believes the coach will very likely assemble (as I do) is not a declaration but an opinion. His opinion is not a far fetched opinion but a reasonable opinion/assumption based on how the first line was assembled last year. I don't know why you are getting so irritated with an opinion given on a hockey forum which is a platform for giving opinions. I also like to add that I'm not trying to stoke the flames here.
  8. Kreuger likely has Reinhart penciled on the first line with Jack because he already knows that he fits in with him. The coach could move Reinhart to the second line to upgrade that line but why tamper with a Jack/Reinhart combo when he knows that it works? None of us knows for sure what the top two line combinations will be. I'm sure there could be some surprises with players such as Thompson and Cozens also in on the top two line mix. But if I had to make a calculated guess I would lean on the end product being the first line including Hall, Jack and Sam. Or to fairly conclude your guess is as good as anyone else's.
  9. Excellent insight about a team's success being a platform for a player's rating. The person who embraces your view is Jack himself. In the last couple of years he has started to stir and make noise indicating that he is not satisfied with what the organization has done to address roster deficiencies. He hasn't been obnoxious about it or overly public about it. But he has made it clear that he doesn't want to be stuck on a status quo and incremental-minded organization that lacks urgency to get better. Jack is a driven player who wants to be one of the best players in the game, if not in his era. He understands that what separates the special players from merely stat players are players who are on winning and are on Cup serious teams. Needless to say as a leader he's got the right demanding attitude.
  10. I'm hoping that Hall has an exceptional season, and that is more likely to happen playing with Jack. If that level of play materializes odds are that the Sabres will be participating in the playoffs. That's what our focus should be on. As far as the contract ramifications for him and the organization will be it is obvious: There will be a challenging cap scenario for the organization. The Sabres will be confronted with tough choices the same way as teams such as NYI and Tampa are dealing with. Will Hall be willing to accept a rich annual contract that is not as extended as the standard lengthy 7 or 8 yr deal? If he isn't then you make the tough choice of moving on. Hall is an elite player who has been on multiple teams that have struggled. He hasn't had the opportunity to showcase his talents in meaningful Stanley Cup runs. If the Sabres can become a serious team I'm inclined to believe that he would be receptive to a less than maximum contract situation with the Sabres. If he is not then he and the organization will move on. Let's not forget that Jersey dealt him when his contract was expiring because they weren't willing to pay the price to retain him. That's the system.
  11. The government put up Billions of $$$ for advanced purchases of the vaccines before the vaccines were determined effective. It was with these guaranteed advanced $$$ that allowed the drug companies to go full throttle with their research because they knew there was an instant market for the product. And it is the government that is accelerating the approval process so that the usual extended time line in the development of the vaccine could dramatically be shortened. My point is that the taxpayers put up a lot of money in financing this extraordinary vaccine project and they assumed much of the financial risk in this project.
  12. I think when the vaccines become available that those responsible in distributing it will make it a point of emphasis to follow the guidelines for the priority list (seniors, front line workers etc.). I don't see the pro athletes being allowed to jump the line to get it. It would be too obvious and cause a public backlash. Even with the vaccines if the level of infection rate continues to be high, as it is now, it is going to be difficult to contain the spread. The irony is if the basic protocols were followed such as wearing a mask, social distancing, washing hands were done we would be in a much better place. Even with the vaccine I don't see a quick fix, especially for a vaccine that requires two doses.
  13. There is a near unanimity in opinion that he hasn't lived up to his potential and expectation. The issue now isn't how he has played up to this point (there is an agreement on that issue) as it is can he progress, and if he can will it be good enough? Will he come into training camp more physically prepared and earn a roster spot? I'm not sure? I'm not disagreeing with your take on him. What I am not going to do at this point is close my mind on him as a prospect. Let's allow him to compete at camp and then make a more conclusive judgment about him. Sometimes when I player is stagnating in an organization the best thing that can happen to the player is to give the player a fresh start somewhere else. I'm not yet advocating for that to happen.
  14. Chara is an example of what you are pointing out that it takes a few years for tall and lanky players to physically mature enough in order for their talent to be more fully exhibited. Zdeno Chara Stats | Hockey-Reference.com (hockey-reference.com)
  15. Arttu is a player in the organization's stable that I'm hoping will make an impression in training camp and make it difficult to keep off the roster. I was hoping that he would have started the season in Rochester to acclimate himself to the smaller north American rinks but that avenue has temporarily been closed. The advantage he has over the sidelined NHL players is that he has been playing a lot of hockey while the other players weren't able to get that game experience. This team is starting to add depth to the point that players will be battling with one another to make the roster. That's a signature change from the gloomy past.
  16. In general I agree with your tepid assessment of Casey's prospects. But that's the point. He has in my opinion little value on the trade market. So what is the harm in giving him more time and allowing his career to play out. As I said in prior posts I think that it would be more beneficial for him to return to the AHL and allow him to play his way either on to or out of our system. But the problem is because of the Covid world we are living in there is a chance that the AHL will start very late or not at all for the upcoming 2021 season. If Casey comes into camp more physically developed and he competes in camp to the extent that he jumps ahead of some of the other players to earn a roster spot I will pleasantly be surprised. It might not be probable but it certainly can be possible.
  17. I, like you, don't believe that Mitts is a lost cause. As you have rightly often stated that Casey is still a very young player who has room to grow. I thought entering this season the best approach toward Mitts was to start him at Rochester and give him a lot of playing time in expanded roles. That added playing time would better prepare him for the hopeful call up to the big league. The delay or even the cancellation of the AHL maybe has precluded that option. If Mitts comes into camp in impeccable shape and through his play earns a spot on the roster then I would not only be surprised but also very happy for him. In my opinion he has received more vilification than he deserves. Where I disagree with you is in your comparison of Casey to Thompson. I think that especially after this offseason where through hard work and the process of natural physical development he will be in a better position than Casey to establish himself this season. Thompson like Casey was a first round selection. It has taken him some time to physically develop in order to endure the rigors of the NHL. What he and Mitts have in common is that to their detriment they were both rushed. Right now I believe that Thompson is ahead of Casey as a player ready to establish himself in the league. Entering the season I'm counting more on Thompson than Casey.
  18. Looking at some of the names that you listed Krueger has a pool of players to assemble two good PP units. If Jack and Hall are on the ice at the end of a shift and a penalty is called the second unit can start on the PP allowing the members of the first PP unit to catch their breath and refresh themselves before jumping back on the ice to finish the PP. With shooters like Jack, Hall, Oloffson, Skinner and Reinhart etc. there is enough quantity to staff two potent PP units. We have the shooters. What we need is better net presence to obstruct the goalies and be in position to deflect more shots.
  19. If you are also insinuating that I am outdated I with pride concur. Long live the horse and buggy. 🤡
  20. @SDSI tried to use the highlight with the old process [b] [/b] but it doesn't work. Any suggestions?
  21. Based on his first year with us and his career with Carolina it was apparent that JS was a prolific goal scorer. From a scoring standpoint he was struggling on a team that was challenged to score. I still believe that it would have been a good move to put him on the Jack line, even for a temporary stint, just to get him going. I agree with you that Krueger played him on another line in order to get more scoring from another line. But I think that it would have helped the team more by putting him on a line that would have put him in a better position to score. The one thing that I don't want to happen as some have suggested is putting Skinner on a third line in order to spread the scoring and upgrade the third line. I strongly believe that getting Skinner back into his usual scoring form is an imperative for this team to do well. And that will more likely be accomplished if he is playing on one of the top two lines and with players who promote his best talent i.e. scoring goals. side note: How do I highlight sections? It seems after the upgrade that the usual highlighting technique doesn't work.
  22. It's going to be interesting to see how the the top two lines are configurated. Although my preference is for Reinhart to play on the top line and Olofsson on the second line switching the two players on the lines also makes sense. One big issue for me associated with assembling the lines is the necessity of piecing together a line that will put Skinner in a position to succeed. If Skinner can return to his scoring form with an enhancing winger on the opposite side, whoever that is, then that is what I'm for. I like Krueger as a coach. However, it appeared to me that Krueger was not enamored with Skinner's game and was stubborn about not playing him with Jack last year when that change might have helped him to get on track.
  23. Your proposed line compositions make sense but I lean toward a few changes from what you listed. What I project is that Reinhart and Olofsson will be vying for a wing position on the first and second line. One of the two will be on the first line and the other will be on the second line. My preference is to have Reinhart on the first line with Eichel and Hall. That line would be one of the better first lines in the league. I would love to see Mitts come in and establish a third line spot but I just don't see it. On the third line I see Cozens and Thompson playing wing on an Eakin centered line. Your Girg/Lazar/KO line makes a lot of sense and serves a role. Not having the AHL starting off when the NHL starts hurts Arttu's and Mitts prospects. I was hoping for Arttu to start off in Rochester to acclimate to the North American game with a later in-season call up and Mitts getting a lot of playing time in Rochester to better prepare himself when/if called up. If there is going to be a player at camp who will force his way onto the roster I think it will be Arttu. And as you and others have noted the Sabres have accumulated enough talent for internal competition and for a healthy group of reserves. What a pleasant change from the past where an injury or two would ravage a thin roster.
  24. In one of the links provided by LGR4GM there was a comparison between Cozens and Mitts and their different routes as prospects. I appreciate your analysis of Cozens. It is consistent with the other high evaluations of him and his style of play. It's understandable why there is such a high expectation for him.
  25. In one of the links provided by LGR4GM there was a comparison between the two and their different routes as prospects. I appreciate your analysis on Cozens. It's consistent with the other breakdowns on him. He's a prospect with a lot of expectation for us.
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