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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. I'm don't think you intended it but you are making a compelling argument to keep Jack even if it is only for the short term. The hope is that he regains his health and is able to exhibit his extraordinary physical talents. Whether it is for our long term benefit or turns out to be a showcase situation where his maximum value is marketed. It's not difficult to understand why the GM wants to make a Jack trade and start afresh. However, while it is clear that Jack is frustrated with the situation he is in that doesn't mean that he is a negative influence in the locker room. By getting him back to health you are in a better situation whether you keep him or move him when his value has been restored. What it comes down to is what is the best course to take with this major asset. If the Sabres can come away in a trade with a 1C young player talent and a high draft pick then I have little reservations about a trade. But if the return is not near the value going out then the wisest course might be to show more patience.
  2. Yes he is going to act in his best interest. That's normal for him and every player. And that best interest approach also applies to the team. I didn't understand the point being made.
  3. He probably doesn't get paid for his regular weekly segment. What he is doing by going on the show is increasing his exposure in order to build up his twitter and other platform following. It's what you have to do in this new world of communication and continue to thrive, if not survive, in this connected world. It's got to be exhausting.
  4. Kane is Kane wherever he has been. There shouldn't be any surprises about him. He's never really changed. GMs who bring him in know that he is not going to win any team congeniality awards. He's a lone ranger. He is what he is and he is what he has always been.
  5. One of Krueger's biggest failings is bringing in lower line players that fulfilled the roles they were intended to play. They turned out to be wasted cap space. It's understandable why so much attention is payed to the expected high profile trades. But if Adams is able to bring in some of the right type of players to foster the style of play he wants that would be an important accomplishment in creating a team identity. Having pieces that fit is not something this organization has been good at.
  6. https://www.tsn.ca/chicago-blackhawks-alleged-sex-abuse-of-players-police-1.1656229
  7. In an exit interview players are asked about the locker room and about the interactions. That's standard practice. It's not surprising that a few players are not warmly embraced by the other members. And it shouldn't be surprising that within a group that there are players who are more individualistic than chummy. There are players who prefer to eat alone rather than eat with the group. Some people need more space for themselves and don't want to be crowded. If a player such as Kane who is a full effort and productive player and not creating division within the locker room then I don't see the problem. What I can say about Kane when he played in Buffalo whether he was liked or not by his teammates he was the player most likely to physically standup for another player. And that is to his credit.
  8. He looks like a worn out hag that should be put out to pasture. In his case it is more likely a long term stay at a maximum prison.
  9. Not every player is going to be liked in the locker room. There isn't a team in the league that doesn't have a few players who are less than likeable and not very sociable. That's not only part of the sports world but part of the work world and life in general. If the less than congenial player gives maximum effort then that is all you can ask for. It's not unusual that the positive public persona doesn't closely match the private persona.
  10. This guy looks like a worn out porno star. He also looks very contented.
  11. If Conan didn't make it as a comedy performer he still would have had a successful career as a comedy writer. https://collider.com/homer-simpson-conan-last-show/
  12. I don't know who Ron Jeremy is. Was he a stud with staying power? What I like the most about porno flicks are the plot lines.
  13. He looks like a young porno star. You may not be aware of it but that is a porno mustache. That is the same type of freaky mustache that Austin Mathews has.
  14. He looks like a porno star. ☠️
  15. The attached link is a 9 min interview of Craig Button on by WKBW's Adam Unger. He was discussing some of the decisions that KA will have to make this offseason. Two of Button's main recommendations are to use the first pick on Power and hire Granato as the HC. The more commentary I hear about this draft the more convinced that I am that Power should be our first selection. And I continue to be convinced that Granato should be our coaching hire. https://www.wkbw.com/sports/sabres/tsns-craig-button-breaks-down-the-sabres-offseason-with-adam-unger
  16. What are the sources of the many spoken words that support your theory? Are they coming from the ether of the internet? I haven't heard any coming from any credible sources. What I have repeatedly heard and explicitly stated by the GM is that he doesn't want players who don't want to be here. Take a guess who he is primarily referring to. No one denies that the injury issue is a factor in his trade value. But it is not by far the most influential factor in the GM wanting to move him. If even with his injury status Jack made it publicly and privately known that he was 100% committed to leading this team and turning around this sinking ship would the GM be so determined to move him? Of course not. Your opinion is your opinion; and my opinion is my opinion. But your flimsy theory is based on vague comments that can't be traced. At least my view and @Weavecome from a source who is substantive and credible i.e. the GM.
  17. I strenuously don't believe that a stand alone 3OA trade meets the GM's baseline. Although it could be the centerpiece of a deal. If Zegras or Drysdale are not part of the package then there needs to be other pieces that can play next year. In my view the GM is very aware that he needs to bulk up his current roster next year.
  18. In that ignominious deal we saved a penny and lost a dollar. I agree with you that the owner instigated the transaction.
  19. Our views are not really that far apart. I agree with you that many here have expectations that are too exorbitant. Where we fundamentally disagree is how high is the floor for Adams. You think that it is lower than I do. I definitely don't believe, as you appear to believe, that if only a 3OA was on the table from Anaheim it would be sufficient. I would be willing to accept a Zegras or Dyrsdale and a 3OA for Jack if that was the best offer or a Dach plus their first pick for Jack. In my mind I have to get a young high grade player as part of a deal. It seems that the different horses we are riding on are going in the same direction. And these long rides are wearing my arse out. 🤡
  20. You are missing my point. I'm not disputing that the GM wants to move Jack. A person has to be obtuse not to understand the meaning of the GM's comments about wanting players who want to be here. Of course there is a de-facto auction to see what the best offers are. But even with teams competing to trade for Jack that doesn't mean that there isn't a baseline level of return for us to accept a deal. If the best offer doesn't rise to the minimum level of an acceptable return then a trade shouldn't be made him until it does meet that standard. How many people here believe that the ROR deal was a good deal? It was a rushed deal to avoid executing bonus clause. The result was a team that was diminished. I have repeatedly said that I don't expect to get equal value back in a Jack trade. That doesn't mean that I have to get an unfair return for him, especially when there is not a requirement to trade him. I hope this clarifies the issue. Our horses are starting to ride in circles and are getting tired. 🙂
  21. Where I diverge from your view is that the issue for me isn't who is making the best offer. The position that I am advocating is that unless a level of return is at a certain level the Sabres shouldn't make a deal regardless who is making the best offer.
  22. He would reject this offer simply because it wasn't good enough. I don't see how rejecting this particular offer is going to drive up other offers. It appears that he has a baseline value return that he is not going to go below for any team. Are offers coming in and increasing as the draft approaches? I don't know.
  23. My head is spinning. Let's just simplify the issue. Trade Jack to Chicago for Dach and Debrincat, straight up. If we can get their first round pick in exchange for one of our second round picks I would make the exchange. If not, I would be willing to give up Jack for Dach and Debrincat. Plain and simple one lane highway with no curves.
  24. Not necessarily. Columbus may have established a limit below what the Sabres are willing to accept. That doesn't mean that any other team is offering more. What it indicates is that the Sabres know what they are willing to accept and what they are not. So far it appears that the offers don't match our expectation. The situation/market should become clearer as the draft approaches. Right now the situation is fluid.
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