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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. I was certainly disappointed with the losses in the SB. The Bills should have won against the Giants but Levy was outcoached by Parcells and Belichick in that game. Anyone who was familiar with that Kelly and Thurman era who followed the team had the privilege of following one of the most successful and entertaining teams in that era. Some people look at that period of time and come away feeling tormented. Not I. That was the golden era of Bills football. Although disappointed that we didn't win a SB, I consider that the golden era of Buffalo football.
  2. I said this in a prior post that even if he became a free agent and explored all his options, he would likely conclude that Buffalo would be the best situation for him. This team needs lower pairing players and there is a dearth of blue line players in the system. So, if he is looking for a situation where he could play as soon as possible, it would be here. I'm not going to jump to conclusions from the rumor mill but joining this organization would be a good situation for him. If the comparison to Joki is a good comparison, then I would be very happy having him here.
  3. No! I will not yield on my principles. I may tune on WGR.
  4. Hell no, you irresponsible spendthrifts! I will never be a fraudulent elitist who smothers their sandwich with Grey Poupon mustard or spend extra for a service that I am entitled to. Never! I'm a member of the peasant class. And I'm proud of it! https://www.amazon.com/Grey-Poupon-Dijon-Mustard-16-0/dp/B00CJ8K9KW
  5. No! I will not yield. You say I will get almost all the NHL games. That's my complaint. I get most of the NHL games on Center Ice. But there are a select few games when I am shut off. More often than not it is this type of desirous games that is not available to me. BS, BS and BS!
  6. I got the Center Ice package. It won't be on TV for me. There are certain games that are eagerly anticipated. This is one of them. I'm tired of this BS!
  7. I don't think that trading Jack was a difficult decision for KA. It was the opposite of that. He was determined to trade him. In fact, he told him to go home and stay away from the team. The GM established a value for Jack that he wanted in return. And he held to it. The player wanted out and so did the GM. There was no hesitation on the part of our GM to move him. It just came down to getting the right offer. He eventually got it---and then with dispatch made the deal.
  8. Skinner has made more nifty passes this season that I have seen since he joined the team. Sometimes I feel that he is over passing. What's apparent is that his teammates not only like him but are also amused by him. He may be the best chirper in the league. He irritates the opposition and is embraced by his mates on the bench.
  9. Within this link there is a 9 min segment on WGR where Granato talks about the need to shoot and not get too fancy. What you said is exactly what the coach is saying and imploring. When in doubt: Shoot the dam puck! https://www.audacy.com/wgr550/hosts/sabres-live
  10. If the Sabres lose 3 out of the next 4 games it shouldn't have a significant impact on our playoff implications, especially, if after that sequence they then win 3 out of 4 of the next games. The playoff race that the Sabres are in is far from being a hyped situation. This team is in contention for a playoff spot. I don't know if the Sabres will make the playoffs. But it is very likely that we will be in contention up to the end of the season. That's not hype; that's the reality of the situation.
  11. Bingo! You hit on the fundamental question. And you answered the question about why a trade for any player that would minimize playing time for Quinn and Peterka is unlikely. I see the recent play of Quinn getting better after the juggling of his line. Peterka is struggling a bit but as you noted the playing time he is getting is valuable experience and will benefit him and the team in the not too distant future.
  12. There is a good chance that Beniers will win the Calder trophy. Even if he does (credit to him) the selection of Power was the right pick for the Sabres. In his rookie season he has established himself as an anchor player for this team. Without him there is a major void on the blueline. What's impressive about him is that although a rookie he plays with a great deal of intelligence and maturity. That's impressive for such a young blueliner. What's even more of a pleasant surprise is that you can see the offensive potential that he already is displaying. In another couple to three years he is going to be one of the top defenders in the league.
  13. I only watched the first period of the game. I thought that Karlsson was the most compelling player to watch when he was on the ice, which seemed that he was always on the ice. Dahlin is getting better on offense and is rounding out his game. In my opinion Karlsson is better on offense. If I had a choice between the two players I would take Dahlin because his play at both ends is better and getting better.
  14. It's the opposite of what I am saying. I'm not being dismissive of the utility of stats. What I am saying is that they don't always reflect the caliber of play. Stats are a tool to be used and not be chained to. They are numbers that without context (team play, injuries, style of play, tough scheduling, travel, back to back etc.) are not always illustrative of what the numbers indicate. The won/loss record is in itself a metric. I give great value to it.
  15. The Sabres have put themselves in a position where they control their own destiny. Finishing out it's certainly going to be challenging. As others have said, we will for the most part be playing quality teams with more robust rosters. That's exactly where we wanted to be before the season even started! We wanted to be in the playoff hunt right up until the season concluded. Assuming there won't be a collapse, that's exactly where we are now. I'm hoping that the Sabres make the playoffs. But if they don't, this rigorous playoff run will help in the development of our many young players. Talking about playing under pressure has little to do with actually playing under pressure. Whatever the outcome it will help to make this a better team now and in the near future.
  16. Ullmark certainly does benefit from the play of his mates. That's my point. The goalie stats don't necessarily reflect the caliber of play of the goalie. UPL save stat is yesterday's game was excellent. But collectively in other games his save stat didn't necessarily reflect the caliber of his play because of the loose play in front of him. My central point in my original post is that the most important stat over an extended period of time is the winning percentage. And on that score UPL is doing fine. He's far from being a finished product but he is an important factor in our wins.
  17. The goalie stoppage rate doesn't necessarily reflect the caliber of defensive play in front of him. And that includes the play not only of the blue liners but also the forwards. In yesterday's game, UPL made a lot of difficult stops that aren't necessarily reflected by the stoppage rate. The Sabres game/philosophy is predicated more on its offense than defense. That's because of the roster construction. So, I still strongly believe that the stoppage % in some systems is less important than the winning %. Ultimately, that statistic is the most important statistic in all sports.
  18. His conduct is typical Torts. The novelty wore off a long time ago. He's a bore. If he doesn't want to answer questions after a game, then let someone else assume that unappealing task (as others have said). Whether he likes it or not, it's part of the job. Contrast how he handles postgame interviews to Granato? The vagabond Philly coach is boorish while Granato, win or lose, acts with class.
  19. What difference does the differential make? Don't get caught up in the statistical weeds. In the end it's all about the record. Statistical minutia doesn't always reflect the reality on the ice. I would rather have a goalie whose stoppage rate is 890% and whose record is 15-6 than have a goalie whose rate is 935% and record is 11-10. Just go out and win and the analytics will take care of itself.
  20. https://www.nhl.com/standings/2022/wildcard
  21. I'm with you that the organization needs to know what they have in Comrie. Anderson very well knew that his status could be very tenuous when he signed for the extra year in what he expected to be the start of his retirement. Anderson is a mature and supportive teammate. He's like an added coach to the staff. But as you noted the staff needs to know what his status will be for next year. It's not out of the realm of possibility that he could even surpass UPL this season if he gets the required playing time to demonstrate what he is capable of.
  22. Some teams are rising while some teams are sliding. If you win the games that you have in hand the arithmetic will work in your favor. Let's stay in the playoff race up to the end and see how it eventually falls into place. https://www.nhl.com/standings/2022/wildcard
  23. The sandwiches I eat can't be elevated. When you slobber the condiments on they can't be distinguished. It's called the concept of "quantity over quality". Pepperidge Farms can not remember me because I was never a member of that lofty community. I come from the peasant class. It is a class that I have never been able to lift away from because I have no desire to leave.
  24. Nope! I'm an incontrovertible cheapskate. GO Generic is my mantra.🤡
  25. I felt not signing Ullmark, even for the premium price that he was demanding, was a mistake. But from an overview standpoint, the GM and organization have been for the most part sound with their player and contract stances.
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