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Everything posted by RangerDave

  1. I personally don't have anything against common Russian people. The few I know are good, decent people. It is the people wielding power in Russia and oppressing its citizens as well as its neighbors that I despise. I don't agree with Hasek's notion of throwing out all NHL players from Russia. I think that is extreme, as well as a bit nutty. But I don't begrudge him having such strong emotions. He has always been a loose cannon. The war in Ukraine undertsandably amps him up even more.
  2. That's easy for someone to say who is not affected by the "terrible problems in life like politics, disease, etc." If my family was being killed, tortured, or oppressed by another country, or if I was affected by a terrible dsease, I would do everything I could to get my message out. Like you, I enjoy the escape from life's problems during a sporting event, movie, play, etc. But I don't begrudge those who's lives have been seriously damaged by those problems and who speak out about it. Now those who just whine about things.....? Yeah, give it a rest.
  3. I agree that the top 6 has only been modestly improved. However, the depth is tremendously improved. When injuries happen, we still have legit NHL defensemen on the ice.
  4. Also, many rescue squads, especially in rural areas, are staffed primarily with volunteers who drop what they are doing, dash to the squad building, then drive to the scene - for no pay. We do it solely for the benefit of our communities. Thank you for your support, nil. 😒
  5. I bet he won't do this. No, wait.......!
  6. I fought fires in 16 states over many years. I used to love the smell of smoke...it meant MONEY! 🤑
  7. I'm not sure a "bad cop" assistant coach would really work. If the players have the ear of the HC, anything the assistant could say or do would be a bluff, no? I could see it work the other way, with the "good cop" assistant soothing players after getting berated by the "bad cop" HC.
  8. I bet you weren't a paperboy for TBN. I'm guessing it was the Buffalo Evening News back then. I was a paperboy for the Buffalo Courier-Express. Now thems fighting words! 😜
  9. The only explanation I can come up with it is has to be a distinct kicking motion with the "intent to score". I don't think the rule says that, but it sure seems to be interpreted that way. One can argue that in this case, he was not trying to score, but attempting to play it to his stick. If the purpose of this interpretation is to increase scoring, why not allow all goals that are kicked into the net? That would increase scoring as well as eliminate the need to interpret whether it was kicked in purposely or not. Teams on one side or the other will be mad, whichever way it gets interpreted. What is the reason for disallowing goals that are kicked in? Is it to keep scoring purely hockey related, i.e. with a hockey stick?
  10. Yes, but Henrik Tallinder will always have the biggest grin after scoring in a shootout. 😁
  11. Is he the tallest player to ever score 44 goals in a season at this point?
  12. I can help you with the demo part of the project! I'm really good at demolition! 😈
  13. I think other teams are starting to figure out that if the Sabres are up one goal, they gift them another, just to increase their odds of winning.
  14. Why can't west coast teams ever play afternoon games so that the fans of east coast teams can watch them live without being vampires? 🤔
  15. You think the world of Buffalo shook this morning? Wait until the Sabres win the Stanley Cup!!
  16. It seems to me that the owners of the only two major league teams in town would be foolish to move one of them. The fan blowback to the other team would be immense. And moving/selling both of them at the same time would be quite difficult I imagine. Now if the Pegulas pass and both go on the market, all bets are off.
  17. I was very impressed that the Sabres all wore t-shirts last night in Washington with "Love for 3" on the front. Their commitment to Damar was even more impressive during the game. Thompson scored 3 goals, including the third exactly 3 minutes into 3-on-3 OT, on Jan. 3. Thompson now has 30 goals this season. I love these guys! And I love #3!
  18. My wife and I were in Washington, DC celebrating our first anniversary. We found a bar along the Potomac River that had a very small area wth a TV. We were the only ones in the section. The bartender agreed to show that game on the TV. We were SO into the game that they kept us supplied with soft drinks the entire game. We were blown away when Jason scored that goal! The bar refused to take our money for the drinks. A memory we will cherish forever.
  19. If the Sabres won a Stanley Cup after trading for a player, I would be ecstatic. The Sabres traded away a player for Thompson, and I am ecstatic. This is the very definition of a win-win situation.
  20. Well, since Mr. Ross was reportedly the person who presented the trophy to the NHL to award it to the highest scorer, it is probably not "misnamed". Could it have a better name? Sure. However, I, for one, like tradition.
  21. Snow? Schmoe! I flew home from Iceland yesterday during the height of the event. (Okay, so our flight from Reykjavic to JFK went smoothly. The flight from JFK to BUF on Friday was canceled. Rescheduled for Saturday at 6 AM. Then, that flight was canceled. Rescheduled to Sunday at 3:30 PM. Not liking the prospect of spending 53 hours in the JFK airport (or the $350 per night for a room at the airport hotel), we changed our flight to fly into Rochester. We had to rent a car in Rochester, but we drove to our home in Lockport without seeing a single snowflake in the air. We got home only 3 hours later than we would have normally. This morning, we are getting a bunch of snow here. Amazing how knowing how lake effect snow works and a little assistance from jetBlue employees helped to avert a really lousy weekend!) BTW, temps in Iceland were in the upper 40's to lower 50's. It rained quite a bit and the wind was strong at times, but it had better weather than Buffalo!
  22. Or when Ryan Miller got trucked by Lucic and the Sabres did nothing. It's been that way for a while. It seems like those days are finally over.
  23. As a great philosopher once said, "R E L A X". I have faith that the pucks will start going in fir him sooner or later. He is a good player, albeit streaky.
  24. He's gonna need some multi-goal games pretty soon just to even tie Gretzky's 92 in a season. He better get a'crackin'.
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