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    Hamburg, NY

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  1. Bought a couple kayaks for the wife and me. Super-excited to spend this summer on the water. :thumbsup:
  2. This was AWESOME. I love seeing my city through the eyes of someone who's so excited to be here. Cheers man.
  3. Some recent season 3 promos/trailers in case anyone missed them... Just 3 weeks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzav_u7ZCpA
  4. Yeah, as much as I love Sabres, I draw the line at crossing swords.
  5. Really sorry, man. My Dad was over there too, and he has also gotten cancer because of that evil f*cking garbage (probably), so I feel you. Thankfully my Dad was treated and is now cancer-free, but I know many others were not so fortunate. I'm sorry. cancer indeed.
  6. First third was a little slow for me - so many new characters with weird names to remember, and bouncing around to SO many different planets/locales. After that it was fine. And that ending, my god.
  7. I just assumed that DeLuca was taking a break after the election. Hope he (and everyone else) returns soon.
  8. Great read. Love this guy.
  9. I loved The Mist, including the ending. Agree with nfreeman that Fargo S2 was the best thing on TV all last year by a mile. Incredibly compelling and original. Anybody else excited to see Arrival? It's currently rocking a 100% fresh rating on RT with over 50 reviews so far...
  10. Devastating illustration by Victor Juhasz in a new RS article this afternoon:
  11. Thank you for this. I needed it.
  12. :thumbsup:
  13. Shout out to fellow Fredonia alumni :beer: 1) Cart boy/bottle boy at Bells Supermarket 2) Nightcrew stockboy at Bells 3) Convenience store clerk (Sugarcreek) 4) Clerk at Video Factory - most fun job ever, and met my wife there B-) 5) Store manager at Blockbuster (after VF was acquired) - worst job ever 6) Owned my own business for last 20 years 7) My next job will be as a PA after I graduate...
  14. Agreed. What actually happens, is all 20 of them immediately run for cover just like every other person there, and this makes the cops' job infinitely more difficult, because now you have 20 armed guys running away from the carnage and no way for the police to quickly differentiate them from the perpetrator. It just adds to the chaos and doesn't help anything at all. http://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/headlines/20160709-open-carry-creates-confusion-during-dallas-police-ambush-but-supporters-say-law-works.ece
  15. Thanks for answering my questions. That sounds absolutely horrific. I honestly can't imagine spending a whole week like that, so major props to you sir for sticking it out and helping all those people. :worthy:
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