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Everything posted by MISabresFan

  1. I am refering to the current brass. The rest is history and can not change that, it is what it is.
  2. In your opinion what was handled poorly...
  3. Now KA go out and find some tough/big/beefy players to add...
  4. Agreed.. My apologies, it is personal because I have family suffering from side effects.
  5. Correct people still get sick when vaccinated. How is this political? Selfish that someone cares what goes in their body? Maybe we should all eat Gummies and rub hemp over each other, sterilize the unvaccinated, and live in little pink houses for you and me.
  6. Obviously he is on your Radar...freedom to provide thought and ideas, similar to this forum.
  7. Frank Reich was vaccinated and tested positive.
  8. Emergency use only. The license is not approved. Moderna has never developed a vaccine. An interesting fact to note is no animal study went beyond 56 days because the immediate goal was to prove mRNA vaccines could mount a good immune response with little acute adverse effects. Hence, we have no data even in animal studies as to long term adverse effects of mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines are still considered experimental and people receiving these vaccines are part of the experiment.
  9. If you were a professional athlete, relying on your body to produce on the field for income, would stick a drug into your system that is not approved and in global test trials without history of what damage it could cause you and your ability to make a living? If you had a racing car in a race would you put an unproven oil in the engine?
  10. Still have KO and JS at 15 mill for the next two years, with Skinner @ 9 mill thru 2027.
  11. When the contract is done between Florida and Sam.
  12. I read somewhere where they are working on (Florida) Sam's contract before the trade is final. I haven't read all the quotes on this topic so apologize if someone mentioned this before. And I was wrong when I thought the brass would not trade anyone....
  13. I underdstand, It is his words and tone during pre-draft presser that told me he is not "actively" working on adding players who "want to be in Buffalo". Who want to be a Sabre. That is what he has been harping on since he got the promotion.
  14. "It depends," Adams said. "We're not focused on that saying we have to do this. But if it's the right deal and we think makes sense for us as we look to build around a young core of players, then we would do that. But it has to be the right thing for us. It's not something we're just going to do to do it. We have to look at each other in the eye and say this is the best thing for the Buffalo Sabres." So basically they (Sabres Brass) will only trade if the other team offers up something ridiculous on a silver platter. From listening and reading the quotes I get no sense of urgency. I don't think they are even making calls and giving teams trade options or willing to negotiate. I was led to believe that the best thing for the Sabres was to have players who want to be in Buffalo. Well currently you don't so it is not the best thing for the Sabres Mr. Adams. Doing nothing is not the best thing for the Sabres. Mr. Adams, you told us fans who you wanted as players and so far all we have are empty words and promises.
  15. Good internet chatter and no action = Sabres It will be fun or painful watching other teams shuffle players while the Sabres do nothing. How many years has there been talk of a Risto trade?
  16. Actually the shots are not a vaccination by definition, because they do not create an immune response to Covid.
  17. So you think keeping KO and Skinner then trading other players will make the team better? Currently would KO (6 Mill cap hit) be in your top 12 forwards based on who is available in Rochester and Buffalo? A GM with those two contracts is handcuffed. You can move players add different ones but you still have those two. More than likely who you add will have to play on a line with one of them. Find a way to package one or both of them and clear cap and an opening on the roster for a better NHL players-even if it includes moving Jack.
  18. Yes, put the best players on the roster, play them and do not base it on contracts. IMHO the Sabre's do not get any better until the heavy contracts get removed no matter who you trade for.
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