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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. Any way you want it, that’s the way you need it….STONE in Box!
  2. Do this when you hear boos……
  3. Maybe because you are closer to HI?
  4. When you realize we know your nature in Buffalo & don’t miss you.
  5. We are not used to knowledge hockey PxP. Too busy telling stories.
  6. How often? Must go down to the strip a lot!
  7. Goooooood evening Children it the sword ⚔️! Voting on Eichel Hate level (1-10, 10 being Highest level of Hate). Use 👍🏽 Options on this post to vote (voting closes end of game): 😀 - 1-2 (nah he’s a’rite) 👍 3-4 (come se come sa) 🙄 5-6 (who?) 👎 7-8 (changed nameplate to Kane, er, Ott, no, Roy) 😡 9-10 (threw it on burning table & jumped on it @ Bills tailgate) 🗳 Voter! (FR), Vote!, Votar! (SP), & Abstimmung (GR)
  8. NEW DRINKING GAME. Sabres overreactions take a drink….. *over-imbibing is not condoned
  9. There is an overreaction podcast out there, I just know there is!
  10. Two things can be right at the same time. OAKIE is a team leader & desired C now. Tuch IS C material, a leader now, & can definitely become A/C once OAKIE retired. When OAKIE named C, well…..
  11. They are all listening to Dan & Razor.
  12. Can somebody explain why Sabres broadcast PxP gets excited when opponents score or get close? WTFrick Dan. Somebody coach up this man. I mean Rick would do better!
  13. Was he DDL’s son? He abandoned him.
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