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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. I ignore you. Well with this exception. None of this Doohickie nonsense.....
  2. Oh crud the season is over! Skinner is the key to victory! Buffalo getting screwed over and over by Bettman. He wants Buffalo in Phoenix, so he has 2 teams in that HOT Market! The Sabres are being sold via Amazon Prime next week. YOU JUST WATCH! Note: Please join me on your favorite podcast provider: #SabresSpaceIsGonnaBeGoneSoonWhenPagulaSellsSeaShellsByTheSeaShoreWhilePoochScrewedFkingMittsFaultInCahootsWithEichel&GoingToVegasSoon
  3. & Skinner w 5 for fighting…. So, just wondering how your predictions are going this year @Zamboni? Do you keep track?! 😉
  4. Perception v reality. Thankfully, in this case reality is winning.
  5. Next time, just keep the shots below shoulders. For Skinner that being his eye level .
  6. 2 n 2 were called - extra 5 for chiclets shot.
  7. Players: Growing, never arrive.
  8. Was a bad call …. Preferential to Ice Chickens.
  9. Came outta the box ‘en fuego!’
  10. Mitts - 2 apples!
  11. Oh Nice! He needed that. BTW Brawny - You are 3 min ahead! 😀
  12. And we care about Teddy Bleuger’s stats because?
  13. I told you Mitts would take care of the Ice Chickens.
  14. I don’t agree with his handling of Facebook, so there!
  15. Strange, I have a strong desire to buy some AirPods, drive to Montana to ski, and grab some Burger King on the road….
  16. I figured - still made me chuckle. @SwampDI am adding you to the list of my favorite things!
  17. Thanks for defining your meme. I wouldn’t have gotten the reference without it. DOH meme. Infers a realization that I was a poo poo head. Words. Too many words!
  18. So interestingly, on posted lineup, they are 4th line. Maybe Meatballs is trying to take pressure off in that spot? They HAVE been getting the least minutes already. I DO like Jost - I think he is helping.
  19. He has been, would think he would be in if healthy….. Too late book closed!
  20. Free bathrobe night with the boys in their PJ bottoms at the Key?
  21. Well to be honest, the pattern is full.
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