Oh crud the season is over! Skinner is the key to victory! Buffalo getting screwed over and over by Bettman. He wants Buffalo in Phoenix, so he has 2 teams in that HOT Market! The Sabres are being sold via Amazon Prime next week. YOU JUST WATCH!
Note: Please join me on your favorite podcast provider: #SabresSpaceIsGonnaBeGoneSoonWhenPagulaSellsSeaShellsByTheSeaShoreWhilePoochScrewedFkingMittsFaultInCahootsWithEichel&GoingToVegasSoon
Thanks for defining your meme. I wouldn’t have gotten the reference without it.
DOH meme. Infers a realization that I was a poo poo head.
Words. Too many words!
So interestingly, on posted lineup, they are 4th line. Maybe Meatballs is trying to take pressure off in that spot? They HAVE been getting the least minutes already. I DO like Jost - I think he is helping.