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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. @SwampDyou can READ!?!!!!!!!
  2. Conrad Dobler: former Bills OG https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2023/02/13/conrad-dobler-pro-bowl-guard-dies-72-cardinals-saints-bills/11250614002/
  3. One word answers only. Your take on 1st period. For me: MEH 🫤
  4. They got a power play ….. did NADA.
  5. Only road games? You sure? Asking for a friend.
  6. Rayzor working from his hot dog truck.
  7. Dedication is a powerful thing. Gives energy.
  8. I like Andy in net (veteran presence), & blending lines to shake boys up (to get them focused). Playing fast….. LFG!
  9. Zoom life REQUIRES PJs w a golf shirt. Why are you wearing PANTS?
  10. Oscar worthy performances……
  11. He is still a …..
  12. I agree, relatively….. Can he?
  13. Loved him! …. and blondes.
  14. This popped up when entering ‘eh?’. You are welcome.
  15. G’day Children of the ⚔️. I unfortunately cannot watch live as I am on my way back from Bahamas after first axe throwing competition wit VO & the boys in BFLO, then on to the Bahamas, hanging with the boys in Blue (it is my fault TNT got sunburned, sorry). No seats on de plane, de plane boss!
  16. We need PAJAMA PANTS SOG. I am in my lumberjack plaids for tonight’s tilt.
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