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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. Sabres have some really good shooters now….. post, crossbar, IN!
  2. So TAGE needs to sponsor Twisted Tea…….TNT!
  3. Oh my. You May regret this upon review tomorrow.
  4. Is he related to @Night Train? Cuz he went to bed after his LuAnne platter…. 🤣
  5. Does he pitch on the side (badly)?
  6. You’re not. Are you drunk or high?
  7. Good evening Children of the ⚔️. I assume all kids and olds are abed. Time to Paaahhty!
  8. I am just being Sabres predictive @Taro T. I love your takes. I predict you take the blue pill.
  9. IMO, UPL needs the minutes. He is immediate future. While I want good things for Comrie, he will be backing UPL next year. My guess over last 30 is UPL 20, Comrie & Andy 5 or so each
  10. How does someone calling themselves @Night Trainhave a bed time?
  11. I bailed after 2nd and 4-0 score. I hope Meatballs gets the boys sauced up to play tonight!
  12. Pregame meal was to heavy….
  13. Over Reaction podcast doesn’t start until after the game. Keep your powder dry….
  14. Over reaction podcast starts overnight (after game).
  15. Jeffry. ‘freezer boy’Dahmer? Really?!!
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