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Everything posted by Spoonman

  2. @K-9eat biscuits!
  3. Youngin’s have done well this year. ONE game. Young riders.
  4. Toronto & D = MINUS 10,000%. But can they defend 4 goal lead?
  5. The point IS they are mostly KIDS!!!! Chill the EFF out…..
  6. @Gatorman0519please. Go back and noodle for catfish in your swampy backyard…..
  7. I called for COZZIE to have a Geordie Howe hat trick!
  8. ‘blow the …… hard’ ?
  9. @inkmanfumes on this take are overpowering. Blunt your cray cray take. Inhale deeper. I call you out as a Kyle Doobie fan!!!!!
  10. Leave now. Your take is useless. SERIOUSLY
  11. TOR scoreless Tonight v Andy! There’s that!
  12. THIS IS like a ROAD GAME. @Doohickiecan we catch up on shots over next 10 min? WTH
  13. Good evening Children of the ⚔️. THE QUEEFS
  14. What is the % of Sabre loyalists v. Queefs? I remember Sabre fans charge up the Ying Yang for these tix (I would’nt), but WT hey.
  15. I am good with hopes being up vs.
  16. Burn those Maples…… Boys in Blue WILL win. Wish list today: > COZENS with a Gordy Howe hat trick > TNT with a goal & 2 assists > QUINNER gets a goal & assist
  17. I don’t disagree @Pimlach. My point was only how to make playoffs. As to Tor:
  18. So on WGR today, they AM crew was discussing Sabres playoff chances. They are currently on pace for 90-92 pts., and are current betting favorite for WC spot. Of course, gotta play the games, and it very much depends on who they beat (Fla more important than Tor, for example).
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