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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. Nice job on anthems young lady. ๐ŸŽถ
  2. Good morning, afternoon CHILDREN of the โš”๏ธ! Boys in Blue gonna take it to the Hurry Kaneโ€ฆ.. LFG!
  3. Good morning, afternoon CHILDREN of the โš”๏ธ! Boys in Blue gonna take it to the Hurry Kaneโ€ฆ.. LFG!
  4. @Pimlach what kind of weight do the Boys need today?!
  5. Tucked In on backhand..... fixed the miss on the penalty shot.... night Children of the โš”๏ธ
  6. FUN OT. I LIKE our chances in SO.
  7. Dahals, Quinner, and Power all with chances in last few..... Keep er goin' boys!
  8. OT our time! OT our time!
  9. I was looking for "Wonder Twins POWER.... ACTIVATE! Form of a large Iceball. Shape of a giant gorilla."Gorilla kills clock with Iceball. My only Wonder Twins on GIF .... but it ACTUALLY is a better set of twins!
  10. Our young Padewan is learning real time. I CANNOT WAIT to see him next year, after a summer focused on 'Ockey only.
  11. THIS IS THE GREENWAY,,,,,, Enter....
  12. @PASabreFan NICE RECOVERY. 1 ADAM 12, ! ADAM 12....... Throwing out my "DRAGNET of fine 50's-70's ....... ...MA'AM, I'm Sargent Friday.... ---OH Sat nights, EMERGENCY! --- Wheezie, I'm comin"!! --- Mister Kotaha.....Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back...... --- I thought Turkeys could FLY! OR at his tape door, requests a knock.....
  13. Why not both? Who are we to say!? ๐Ÿคช
  14. LEVIon is our best Goalie..... his anthem..... He shall be LEVIon, and He shall be a GOOD MAN..... (repeat).
  15. Had / have a crush on the Patty of my youth (reruns, but part of my UTE, none the less).
  16. We watch our young blades..... they continue to be "honed" into a Honzo!!!!
  17. Be careful with OMENS, you never know what you will spawn......๐Ÿ‘€
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