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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. @Sidc3000& @Randall Flagg hecklers in da house. 🙂
  2. Woah! How about a pie in the face instead?
  3. BIG BEN TO THE BOX. Welcome to the NHL kid!
  4. I am honestly in and out tonight, not following too closely......(I am a bad boy)
  5. To clarify, Hanifin, Pesce, and Graves are NHLers, not Draft prospects. I like the three noted above as FA's/trades (for the right price).
  6. @ElevenOwner/GM/HC kid. It is a thing for ..... ever?
  7. Your question is curious. Were you ever 17-18? Did you grow and develop as a (man?) between then and 23? OK, so not you (and that's OK!), but in general, boyz to men is not just a boy band. Boys drafted for skills sets and projected growth (body and skills development) into men so that they can develop into the NHL..... NOTE: a baseball batting average is a good result for GMs. If they get 4 of 10, that is AWESOME. Where's my mic? Oh here it is......🎤 (whoops dropped it).
  8. NHL draft all about projecting growth and talent. If Sabres end up having "too many" talented F, they can (um) TRADE for D! PLUS, keep in mind these kids are all 3+ yrs away on average. Sabres have a top or top 3 (depending on who you ask) prospect pool. THAT, my friend, is CASH in NHL.
  9. DANNY, we miss you!
  10. NHL draft is best player. These picks are pushing down talent to the Sabres. And all these kids are 3 yrs (minimum) away.
  11. Here come the Houston, er, Arizona Hockey Club for their pick number 6 to have ..... Carey Price! G solved! He is already up on stage!
  12. HI it's me, I'm the KT fan, it's me......
  13. Les Habitants select..... the PICK IS IN.....some QMHL dude who speaks French.
  14. I hear they got dressed in a local High School hockey locker room, just to feel comfortable ...... Wow, @LGR4GM you are AMAZING! What are the next three? Now before they are called, or I will claim that feat. 😝
  15. NO, just 3 hrs for ESPN/TSN.
  16. Got 3 hrs to fill....... ESPN/TSN
  18. They got away with assult of a (don't get me banned) exual sort. Sick.
  19. My prediction on #1 Bonner Cadard
  20. Alright I am ready to BOOOOOOOOOO Bettman. LFG!
  21. Good opportunity to get the kid sold on Sabresfandom! Yeah, cuz I'M young..... 👀
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