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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. One way to get VO to play Defence? Just spoonin' out ideas, not calling anything.... I would like VO to get some good run and trade him and a G not named Levi for some such. Need room to get younger, no? I have had my eye on a 2019 year kid.....
  2. Children of the ⚔️! Spoony checking in (I have been watching games, but not live - family duties - consider me the UPL of Sabrespace so far this year)! 🤣 Down 1, got ‘em right where we want’em, eh? Let’s go Boys in Blue!
  3. @Sabres73 No @Sidc3000 is a just a Contrarian. I disagree with him, using logic, and we laugh. Well I don't .....
  4. @Sabres73 Welcome! You will find the pockets of sanity, if you stay! We have a lot of cries of Boys in Blue going every night....
  5. @Pimlach a One, anna a Two, anna.....
  6. Please don't blame 27. He had one back door (Joker), one screened (never saw it), and maybe off a leg (Muel?) It takes a team....
  7. I must disagree. He has been everywhere man, he's been everywhere......
  8. ERGO, SPOONMAN. Always stirring things up.
  9. Hey - keep sharing. Makes the game fun! It is my goal to disagree with you as much as possible! LOL!
  10. FACT CHECK? You actually you didn't SAY anything. You typed it.
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