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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. We should all be in charge of our PP, but for some it DEPENDS.
  2. @Claude Balls do you have any naming rights…. @Indabuff may have run afoul here! 🀣
  3. Hey @Huckleberry can you translate please? I think it says @Buffalonill drink all these before posting again. LOL
  4. But it's part of a Friday night drinking game! You're bottoms up for that comment!
  5. You got the %&*#iing PP! Get the outta here! Nice.
  6. The German Sniper! (I know! Actually an American from Saving Ryan's Privates)
  7. Good Evening Children of the βš”οΈ Go Fight Win!
  8. Until Friday. Here is what a NJ devil looks like.
  9. Gonna have to wait until New Years Eve.....
  10. I absolutely love that statistic! Never gets old!
  11. Ok, so Tuchin it in with the Gordie Howe Hat Trick! Early shower for our hero.
  12. Marking that way too early prediction. 10/24/23.
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