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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. Good Evening Children of the ⚔️ (sonnafa....) Off Joker.
  2. Dammit, I missed "her"!!
  3. Who you callin spooky!?
  4. UPEL deserves the SO. First NHL SO!
  5. Keep it in the cabinet, and take it to White Elephant to trade for something you want?
  6. and Tuchie to complete the square!
  7. Krebsie not tripped"??
  8. OK @Doohickie, but I still hate dallas twinkles and cows though, understood?!
  9. Would be a great between two stalls (BTW when is season 2?)!
  10. What is the thought on the power up sound when PK killed? They do it at Dallas games, and I live in Fort Worth, hate Dallas Stars (for all known reasons, as well as the cows), so maybe that sound is Pavlovian for me.
  11. I get your point. Stats needed. I am not that guy! 🤣
  12. Muel tougher than a puck in the head!
  13. IMO, they are keeping him out there. He is learning by playing (& getting a 💰starting next season). He will be fine.
  14. @TheAudhave fun. Go horsies (I can dream).
  15. I think Savoie comes back from his ROCH rime & switch happens. Benson to Wash State Jr team & Savoie for a bit then to World Jrs. Possibly bring up Kulich up for a spin til Quinner comes back?
  16. TYSON from TUCHIE!
  17. See @Doohickie people CAN agree with me!
  18. I do know. 78 NO. He is AHL guy. He is only up as D depth is growing in ROCH. I could see Stillman possibly back up for 78. Stillman not all that, but has time in the League. 75 just needs to settle in. IMO he is trying to be too big of a difference maker on his new team v playing his game. 2 game’s watching & Meatballs & crew will get him right.
  19. I need that TUKE for my pate!
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