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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. An axe of course. How else do you get maple syurp?
  2. Oh my @Thorny !! So inappropriate! SabreSpace is Rated I. I - Idocracy
  3. Yes sir. They may even go with 12 F tonight!
  4. @Buffalonill The way Meatballs flip flops lines.... who knows!? Looking forward to seeing the kids with the wise old Oak (who had great energy last night)..... Ok now that that's done, Sabres for the win!
  5. @Zamboni - Master at the scrape and spray, I believe that Joker may be riding the pine tonight, based on NHL Lineups published in the link on initial post for game by Le Shoot'er de Puuck @Shoot da Puck.... I need your updated third possible scoring steel blade of the night!
  6. Need to clear out 2-3 bottom rung ‘starters’. Not working.
  7. We MUST play 11 forwards, nice anticipation of another injury to forward group. Healthy scratch required to drive this desired starting lineup. Gotta love 3G, 8D, & 12F roster construction. Why is Bryson not waived? Someone noted possible duet on Hockey brass…. why else? He plays like 10 min when he starts . Levi should go to ROCH (but won’t) What does HE have ? I am just asking questions. 🤣🤣
  8. Me? What are you talking about “pot”?? ~kettle
  9. Play like that for game. and
  10. Already made. Join me on the Upie bandwagon. I am because you are rubbing me in the wrong place.
  11. You suggesting something? Ummm.🤔
  12. Power needs to shave stache. Throwing his balance off….
  13. Treebeard with help from Karlsson. Been a while. Welcome back!
  14. Yeah, and the former Soccer HC benched him. Smart move.
  15. @Thorny you listening and understanding a Wookie? Are you like the really the lost Solo kid ?? —————- Skinny!
  16. Can’t score goals not getting in the way of G (to clarify opposition G).
  17. I hate that I agree w the Toronto guy on TNT, but he’s right. NO NETFRONT PRESENCE. 5x4…5x5 no matter.
  18. uPL’s fault again. Should’ve bowed up.
  19. Trade. Fine. PP setup not acceptable. Tuch was on side of net, hanging out?
  20. PP - why don’t we have a net front presence? Tell me why, tell me whyyyyy?
  21. What about second time? Or didn’t she notice. 🤣
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