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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. Children of the ⚔️ Spooner w his daughter & son in law sushi for his Birthday. Go Boys!
  2. I would be shocked if he did. Happy & shocked.
  3. So let's consider: Trouba is talented RD, and C of Rangers.....and $5k is MAX fine. No suspension? Give me a break. Lack of stick discipline like this required a suspension. Not even 50% the same but: > Marty McSorley high sticked / attacked Donald Brashear back in 2000 game. McSorley was originally suspended for the remainder of the season as well as the playoffs for the 1999-00 season (totaling 23 games). His suspension would be lengthened to an entire year following a British Columbia court finding McSorley guilty of assault with a weapon on October 6, 2000. McSorely would never play another game in the NHL. More recently: > Pinto 41 game suspension for gambling (only vague details of inappropriate actions that should be common sense ) on NHL. I am OK with suspension, but what about being similarly concerned with player safety? > NHL threatens to fine M-A Fleury for wearing an indigenous inspired mask to honor his wife who is same, then when he says he is going to wear it and pay fine, threaten Wild with "significant fines". Fleury did not play but wore mask in pregame, said he would pay fines for Wild. TBD. Why does NHL care so much to shut down celebrations of minority groups? This, Pride nights & tape color, even noted on last night's NJ GDT, NJ had their "I'm fighting for" signs fill in the blank pre-printed. Stupid. >Trouba is top RD, and Rangers C, so he gets off easy. Messages are being sent with suspensions, fines, and lack there of. Not sure they are the right ones.
  4. He's free after the season, and I am guessing headed to BC to play for his resurgent hometown Canucks if $ is not an issue (it always is). He would be the hometown kid coming back while still a stud. Maybe he can bring his dulie bike from BUF days to ride into training camp with Elias....
  5. I will keep COUNTing....ah ha ha ha ha haaaaaa!
  6. @Taro T Great minds, as I have also noted numerous times! "FACTS SCHMACTS" don't let them get in the way of a good/bad/indifferent post!
  7. @dudacek and Sabres Spacers - Duda - nice post! Attention all Sabres Spacers, Attention, this is a message from the North American Pole Board (no not parole board for some of you intransigents!)... The title of this discussion needs facts around poles (I see that @PASabreFan is quite knowledgeable & I know, 'facts schmacts' on this board 😜).... However, the poles on a track represent a furlong (= 1/8th of a mile or .4 km for those using the correct measuring system). The 'quarter pole' is actually LAST 1/4 mi. (.8 km) from the FINISH... So if we want to play with the horse racing analogy with the Sabres season, and for simplicity's sake, assume a 1 mi. (1.6 km) "race", the title should reflect this and say 'Sabres at the 3/4 pole". But hey, don't let the facts get in the way of a good post topic! 🙂 Now back to our regularly scheduled posting....
  8. @PASabreFan My word. Your quote from the debacle that was the nj devils game: "The quality of this board has declined precipitously. Kinda appropriate, I guess, given the state of the franchise." 😝
  9. @PASabreFan the beatings will continue until morale improves.
  10. All of us are 156 lbs. until we hit the scale at the Dr.'s office @JohninMinn.
  11. No - they need winning veterans who have been there done that. EJ 6 is only a start (Oakie & Z vets, but w Sabres….)
  12. Oh thanks, I was watching weather radar & forgot to switch back (the green stuff moving on screen is so purdy)!
  13. Needed to get experience on the roster to teach young guns how to ride through the season. This would have included 1 ideally 2 4th line energy guys who can also provide some level of protection & leadership on ice, (winning experience, leadership & knowledge on & off ice). EJ not enough. Oakie, Skinny, & Z - none have the winning part…. I have said this multiple times now. GMKA can’t keep all his boys- they are assets that must be used (w team on ice or trades) to make the team somehow competitive. This is where GM makes hay….
  14. Sabres PR: Coach Meatballs has laryngitis until further notice. > Please submit questions (in triplicate using forms you can order Fridays 5-5:15am, only use a number 2 pencil. > Questions should be in multiple choice format only, with one option being ‘I need to check on that, and get back with you’
  15. GMKA and team too in love with draft picks & wanna be here guys. Needed to get experience on the roster to teach young guns how to ride through the season. This would have included 1 ideally 2 4th line energy guys who can also provide some protection on ice. Thanks to Girgensons, Jost, VO, all should have been gone. OK, you keep Oakie (a great leader in the room & C). Not all 4. Makes me wonder what the real take in the league on Sabres? They couldn’t get anyone with the needed experience & skills set? I have said this multiple times now. GMKA can’t keep all his boys- they are assets that must be used (on ice, trades) to make the team the best it can be. IDK - what say you?
  16. Hey SabreSpacers. Been away - how goes (hey, where’s everyone?) it?
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