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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. Well played game - definitely seeing some build in their game. Till Tuesday
  2. Crossbar next
  4. The keep away type of play, yea. I would like more wide open play.
  5. 1pt - let’s get 2!
  6. Best play so far this year IMO
  7. Break stick on opponent- no call? Whistles are red n white tonight Great Battle by the boys tonight!
  8. Nice Vinnie!
  9. Nope on opie
  10. UPL didn’t see puck. Screen- PHUCK!
  11. Warshintin don’t hook. Nope
  12. Pucks deep 4☑️
  13. One, two, we need to win third. Boys deserve dub, if they can.
  14. Okie with the pokey! Oshie Doshie! Kill it off boys
  15. What a difference a day makes! Boys playing hard & shooting! I like Murray netfront
  16. Nite all ….. more fun tomorrow!? 1 goal 2 games…..😑
  17. Dahlin Dahlin Daaahliiin! I'm begging of you please don't BE OFFSIDE!
  18. Goooooooooaaaalllll
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