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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. All our ‘BIG GUNS’ scoring tonight! 😉
  2. COZ has a 2 of the 3 on the wing….
  3. We need Sabres Ice Girls v dudes. Dallas has that right.
  4. Is it me or does Marty look like Col. Sanders!??
  5. So per Harry - he is 85 & RJ 79 = 164 yrs. on the call (not counting Rayzor - which would kick it up to 207 yrs.). 😱 Sucks. WTF? NHL clearly 4th in national sports- drive viewership. IDIOTAS!
  6. Do you have ESPN+? If so, log in online.
  7. We are hanging in. Boys need to crank up compete & intensity.
  8. Aggressive fearless play by our swords ⚔️
  9. I like that Krebsie shooting more. Nice backhand.
  10. I really like the Heritage sweaters. Look good on the ice.
  11. RJ on the call! Harry Neal will be with him! Memories!! Heritage Classic sweaters. LETS GOOOO!!!!!
  12. LET’S HO BUFFALO!!!! I won’t be able to watch live tonight-volunteering at local Mobile Food Bank….. LETS GOOOO!
  13. I love a reach around (by the right girl)! Are u f-ing me!?
  14. So. Is Hagg only move? Hope we can get something for something.
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