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Everything posted by Spoonman

  1. Also, they are playing men against boys (youngins)… You mean in the slot 10 Ft out?
  2. We shouldn’t have traded HAGG to them. THAT is the difference.
  3. Are you offering him wives in the trade? 😆
  4. We must remember this is a work in progress. That said, IF Sabres are to make a run at playoff chance, need to get through the murders row that is the ATLANTIC. Not either or with Sabres growth, rather growth AND some ATLANTIC teams have to fall back win wise. Keep up the growth mindset, and for gods sake get the needed support to kee players healthy (Bills facilities ring a bell?).
  5. Radko $2.5 MM next year and UFA in ‘23.
  6. I would be on my dupa, after 2 strides! ⛸ 😀😆
  7. We don’t condone senseless violence (unless it is in movies). ~ The Academy
  8. ….and keep my wife’s name outcha mouth! 😂
  9. I was thinking same! Hitting seams in D for chances….
  10. Cool, I hope the boys make a number of ‘deposits’ on Young Spencer, today!
  11. Best thing about game today….RJ on the call - one of 7 left. Savor it. Lets go Buffalo! The boys owe FLA for smack down last time in the Bank!
  12. Yeah, I get it. That said, they are a sponsor & legal in NY.
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