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KC Scouts

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Everything posted by KC Scouts

  1. To me it simply seems that Bogosian doesn't recognize that his NHL days are likely over. It's gotta be tough when you've reached this point as a player that had made it the NHL as a 1st round pick. It doesn't look like anybody wants him, at the very least for that contract and quite possibly at any price in the NHL. He may very well be a Nice Guy, Great Teammate, etc....but in the end it's a moot point when you can't offer anything as a player
  2. it was a nice goal and he was skating ..... But The Ice has two ends an offensive and defensive end. Watch Reinhart in his own end in regards to the breakout....NOT GOOD Laziness is still not allowed - you can't decide when you want to play and when you "coast" from game to game
  3. Randall Flagg.....You're a better fan than me......I couldn't muster the energy to go tonight, surprisingly, I was able to give the tickets away
  4. Reinhart was caught being LAZY, Like many others on this team, AND HE SHOULD be called out on it because he is going to want the big bucks next contract. Blaming him for the goal is not hockey ignorance, he was a slug on that play from the time he shot the puck
  5. Watch the whole play from the time he shoots the puck....He make a weak wide backward circle "admiring" his failed shot and by the time it matters getting back into the play he can't catch Larkin. For any matter, YOU DON"T QUIT because you think you can't catch the guy because you never know what might happen. The guy you are chasing could stumble. mishandle the puck etc. IT'S THE EFFORT THAT"S THE ISSUE not whether Sam could have actually caught him
  6. Risto could have tried to disrupt the puck carrier (knowing that time was running out) BUT SAMMY QUIT ON THE PLAY, no question, again knowing that time was running out he needed to skate hard until the buzzer, a few extra seconds wouldn't have killed him. And you are right, if he keeps skating hard he may have disrupted Larkin As far as Sam not saying anything...what would his defense to the statement have been? I was tired?
  7. I hate to ignite the Reinhart "Should he stay or should he go" debate...but his effort just illustrates my belief that he is not worth it (7 million or more). He's not my kind of player. Don't give me "he was tired" on the play.....if you are tired GET OFF THE ICE, If not SKATE HARD
  8. On Ralph....I'm just not seeing it...we essentially hired a cheerleader, and either he can't coach or his assistant coaches can't coach. Even without talent we should at least look like we're giving an effort and play hard....we have neither..... Roster is pathetic, Thats on GM Jason.....Jason has no idea how to fix this mess and more importantly he created much of it with the all-time worst trade in Sabres history and has little capital to work a trade with. And yes MR KADRI you are correct WE"RE ***** and therefore we won't be getting any game changing free agent in the near future NO Post-Game Interview for Ralph on the Radio (Technical glitch they said) THANK-GOD I DIDN"T HAVE TO SUFFER THE SAME OLD TIRED RALPH RESPONSES
  9. Agreed on the perpetually disgruntled. but there is no indication that he has reached that point. The Sabres are under no obligation to trade him if he whines unless they can get the right compensation. WHICH IS EXACTLY THE MISTAKE THEY MADE WITH O"REILLY. Actually a contract gives you the right to tell a player tough ****, which buys you time to make the proper trade.
  10. He has a contract....tough SH**....what would his play be, to sabotage his own play causing the team to lose more than they already do? No need to be an alarmist about Eichel The same has been said about Austin Matthews in Toronto......SO WHAT? Maybe Dreger and TSN should worry about the Leafs
  11. 21-22, too much to pull together in one year, will need some minor success to prove to real talent that it is worth it to come here
  12. The kid said what everybody and I mean EVERYBODY that is a Sabres fan feels. Enough is Enough already! I mean what is next, marching upon the arena with pitchforks and torches?
  13. Thats a bad business model for LOSING sports franchises, especially NHL teams. The Sabres do not have an endless supply of willing season ticket holders and Box owners for that matter. Pegula is playing Russian roulette with fans money. The Sabres are not the NFL/Bills
  14. He needs to get his act together ASAP. Empty seats speak volumes for owners. Whether the seat is sold and the ticket holder doesn't show or leaves early IT IS STILL LOST REVENUE
  15. Ralph is starting to sound like Phil Housely...He has no answers
  16. That is the epitome of the Pegula Hockey touch...They have an opportunity like the 50th year celebration and we get an inept organization and crap hockey
  17. Shopp is a jack***......he doesn't know Hockey. And he can take his analytics and shove it. Its obvious he was never an athlete....I mean have you seen pictures of that dork?
  18. oh yeah.....that would be on it......probably some tears and a Terry Pegula is clueless quote as well
  19. The worst kind of hockey team, no skill, no talent and gets physically beat all the time
  20. I'm considering wearing a bag over my head to Thursdays game...and not just because I'm ugly
  21. how many times do you shoot the puck into somebody's legs?
  22. If the Sabres were a horse.......The would be put out of their misery
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