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KC Scouts

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Everything posted by KC Scouts

  1. I know we are not "professionals" but maybe we could collectively. This organization is just awful...I think of the California Golden Seals and their successors the Cleveland Barons just abysmal. When the Sabres played them, we thought here comes a big win. Now teams look at the Sabres and think that. Embarrassing!
  2. Me too...... I remember Rick Martin coming to my hockey organizations year end / awards banquet. Signed autographs for anyone and everyone. I was already a Sabres hockey fan for life. Seen it all. Season ticket holder...etc. I just can't believe how horrible it has been, a nightmare you can't wake up from....so frustrating
  3. ummmmm....uhhhh....ummmm.....my dog ate my homework
  4. Ralph wants the boys to be physical.....I can only think of my all time favorite bellow from a fellow season ticket holder as the Sabres were getting pushed around by a team in the AUD (Recurring theme, right?) "HIT HIM WITH YOUR PURSE HOUSLEY !!"
  5. I don't want to ignite another "Should we be Fighting" back and forth like last week And I'm happy that Miller responded BUT If that's the best Miller has, He probably shouldn't fight. I mean Geez....He's big enough to Rag Doll this guy. Pound the piss out of him or don't bother !! Its no wonder he's not a Bruin anymore....
  6. You'll never get those calls when you suck. However if we did that to a Penguin it would be called, count on it. Its the way of the NHL
  7. Ralph......"We don't want to use the language of excuses but" then proceeds to list the excuses
  8. Yes....Ralph often gets results like this....
  9. I think the silence will be deafening.....There will be a few that buy tickets but an underwhelming response is most likely...
  10. Yep......Not feeling the love.....Not going to go after you do the math and consider the product 2 Tix at ~ $110per 2 COVID Test @ $64per Parking $10 (I park on South Park near Casino) That's $358 before I even touch a Beer...... It's not looking good for renewing Next Year either
  11. I really believe if you shoot the puck at the net, your chances of scoring go way up!
  12. Sam has played like a PROFESSIONAL throughout this season and should be rewarded for it. Its THAT QUALITY in player that we should be looking for. Full Disclosure : I've been tough on Sam in the past.
  13. Soooo....Hockey will now be news again at ESPN? ESPN has treated the NHL like a cockroach at cocktail party for years. I don't like NBC's coverage but I'm skeptical. I remember the day when ESPN did an admirable job with the NHL. Tom Mees was great. Thought Barry Melrose was at least entertaining. I'll be curious to see what we get.
  14. I tend to believe its not Ralph, that would be a grotesquely stupid thing to do on his part ( Doesn't he have anything better to do? Such as coach his team better. ) Could be his kid but again If I was Ralph, I'd say to my kid "WTF are you doing?" Sabres "media" employee? - Makes sense to me with the way the Sabres run their organization. Hilarious, yet pitiful at the same time.
  15. RK is a pompous ass. This shines some more light on the problem (RK). Thank-You Jason Botterill and Terry Pegula for infecting this organization with this dipstick of a coach.
  16. Yeah.....But he could have said "Yes, that was good to see, I'm happy for him, and we need to keep it going!' Instead he gave that "smarmy" comment. Ralph is a pompous old fart and a lousy hockey coach.
  18. Poor Risto. He gets the Post game interview
  19. Talk about falling off a cliff.....We went from enjoying and anticipating every Bills game to loathing the chore of watching this crap
  20. Its like a bad car accident....you drive by....and you can't help but look at it
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