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KC Scouts

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Everything posted by KC Scouts

  1. Doesn't matter if you love or hate the Bruins. It is impossible to call games "evenly". It can't be done and shouldn't be done. Cassidy is a chump for complaining about it, if you really are the big bad Bruins of the past, go out and win the next two games and prove you are better.......but quit whining its unbecoming
  2. Boston HC whining about how he didn't get the calls......Really?....WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP!! Pardon me for a moment while I puke 🤮, because we all know that Boston is never favored with calls from the Refs when the chips are down. Sabres fans have never witnessed anything like that when we play them. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch......
  3. Great line.....Quote of the week!!....🤣
  4. Winnipeg - a total disaster this series
  5. Congratulations on the Retirement! I wish you a long, healthy and happy retirement. The newly retired are often the happiest people you meet. Enjoy...🍺
  6. I’m going to change my mind on the charging call, it’s debatable. Just watched the play, again, with the slo-mo. Schiefele’s real crime is that he is a fraction of a second late but at that speed hard to fault him. Schiefele stopped skating in the slot and didn’t take a stride again. He kept his shoulders down and arms In. He didn’t make head contact, hit him square in the chest and didn’t leave his feet. It is a fraction of a second late but hard to avoid. Is he supposed to hand him the goal? Positively not ! It’s a brutal hit but the skater also put himself in harms way with his action too. You can argue that the skater put himself in a vulnerable position. The argument that Schiefele should back off and let him score is as ridiculous as saying the skater should not have put himself in the position he was in coming around the net at that speed and expecting to not get hit. This falls under the category of a hockey play…..it’s what happens in the game. This one is debatable. No right or wrong. The guy got hurt and it’s unfortunate and the NHL will take that into consideration and wrongfully so. Keith Jones was blathering on about how bad it was like he’s some kind of referee. It’s a little odd that an ass**** Philadelphia Flyer is taking a position on a “dirty hit” like he’s so high and mighty.
  7. I do believe there is term for that hit……. it’s called an Umberger
  8. Bone crushing…..and definitely Charging
  9. ABSOLUTLEY!...Couldn't agree more. Toronto fans are the worst kind of "know it all". Toronto people in general are the most arrogant people I've met, by comparison they make Pittsburgh fan seem like one of your best drinking buddies. I haven't been happier in weeks!! I have a special kind of hate for Toronto, and yes they have been the Sabres B**ch for the better part of 50+ years and when we right the ship, we'll continue the tradition.
  10. You must go out and get a Montreal baseball cap…..c’mon just for shits and giggles
  11. They’ll probably name a street after Price in Montreal….. deservedly so
  12. Na Na Na Na……..Na Na Na Na Hey Hey…..Goodbye
  13. Buffalo, Ottawa, Boston fans cheering loudly for da Habs…..
  14. Tick…Tick…Tick…Tick…Tick…Tick……
  15. Sometimes I think it is more enjoyable to watch a series and root against a hated rival like Toronto or Boston….
  16. I know that they'll begin the 3rd with a penalty.....but they have a 2-0 lead. Go HABS!
  17. Panic...Panic in Toronto!!!!
  18. Vegas may have reached their Zenith in year one... I've rooted against them from day one. I'm enjoying watching Colorado kick the crap out of them.
  19. Yep nice screen Bogo
  20. Spoke too soon on the Habs......Game 6 in Montreal is next
  21. I'm on the fence with my season tix. Don't split with anyone, go to 27-30 games, sell or gift/give away the rest. Glutton for punishment, I guess I believe a significant drop in season tickets will happen and THE SABRES KNOW IT IS COMING. The Sabres are squirming at the prospect of trying to sell tickets of any kind next year. None of their BS promotions/gimmicks have worked with ticket sales and now more of their loyal fans are going to turn their backs on them. If you're a season ticket holder, and you decline to renew your season tickets, WHAT IS YOUR RISK?....NOTHING ! Those tickets will be there the next year if you want them, there are no waiting lists to buy season tickets. There will always be people that go regardless (I've been in that group for countless seasons) but it will get worse for them and if they say anything differently they are liars. Think about this also.... Imagine the conversation with the featured advertisers. The advertisers are not going to be happy with declining viewership, declining attendance . Pegulas are going to lose money on the advertising.
  22. The Habs are Sh****ng the bed...bring on the J-E-T-S....JETS..... JETS.... JETS !!!
  23. Southtowns Ninos - West Seneca or Hamburg Cappellis - Orchard Park
  24. The Leafs…… choke choke gasp, cough They are just not a playoff team
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