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KC Scouts

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Everything posted by KC Scouts

  1. that might shut the crowd up for a bit
  2. was just going to say...we need another 😃
  3. Uhhhh.....YES, I am !!! Just call me Sheriff 🤣
  4. Agreed.....but that's like the Chiefs complaining about the Refs. Besides Canada has been their own worst enemy with their stupid penalties this tournament
  5. Quinn definitely has a hard time Can I see your Sheriff's card young man?
  6. They are already crying on TSN that Canada is getting hosed by the Refs.... 3-1 Czechia after 1st
  7. Yes.... Happy New Year to Everyone! Enjoy the rest of the night, Have a drink, eat some f**** cookies and relax...The Sabres willl still be there to annoy you in 2025.
  8. Exactly.....If your power play doesn't produce goals, what makes you think an extra attacker without your goalie would. So yeah, It is kinda stupid ...BECAUSE OUR POWER PLAY SUCKS!!!
  9. I don't care if they are on a 25 game winless streak (or whatever the hell we call it)....I won't care until they win a game because they deserve to win a game
  10. It really is unfathomable....... outrageous
  11. Joker got tossed aside like a 98 lb weakling on that goal. Enough already with him
  12. We are so dysfunctional its mind-blowing! There is no fixing this!...Its really a lost cause
  13. Well, it really looks like the vote of confidence from the owner is working well 🤣
  14. I've got nothing.......I have no energy to complain, no real answers and no appetite to make snide comments. Very telling by the lack of posts that Buffalo is all about the Bills.
  15. The absolute laughing stock of the NHL.......***** You Terry, ***** You Kevin
  16. 1975 for me too, 8 year old me playing hockey in every way shape and form Mite hockey, backyard rink , street hockey and intramural floor hockey.....And why? Because of the shear joy the Sabres brought to me. I miss that feeling Someone mentioned playoff hockey in Buffalo. Nothing like it......I miss that Damn you to hell Terry Pegula - Fix my F****** Sabres
  17. Just sat there in my seats tonight (surrounded by Rangers fans... mind you) and all I did was bitch about how bad they are
  18. I am so embarassed to be a Sabres fan, we are a punchline... a laughing stock...the "thank-god we are not them" line the other fans say
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