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Everything posted by HOUSE

  1. SOS, Washington gets one goal now they have big balls
  2. I was offered 2 tickets for last nights game for $10 To me, that says it all.
  3. Time for playoff style hockey This preseason stuff is not working
  4. My Doctor is from Montreal, he lives for hockey. He tells me the reason Buffalo doesn't win is our players have to many teeth.
  5. I used to attend games in Montreal but the stupid fans jump to their feet every time a Canadian player has the puck. It's crazy, up and down, up and down, you can't even see the game Glad this is a home game
  6. He fights pretty good
  7. I am guessing 6,000 sober fans
  8. Good choice, off Virginia right?
  9. This $17 beer makes me pee
  10. Goat heads tonight, easy win, piece of cake. I am off to the game, See ya
  11. Sure glad we are playing at home 🏡
  12. I am boycotting home games, I have my pride
  13. So now it's barbecue time after a few losses. Pitiful.....
  14. You know it's hard, so many fans show up late, than the fans who leave early. The people next to me did both. Must be nice to throw money away like that 😒
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