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Everything posted by Slack_in_MA

  1. Nah, just a collection of players wearing the same uniform. Unless they're winning. Not a team.
  2. I don’t get the distinction. IMO, his message to the team was one and the same.
  3. So, in fifteen words or less, what’s your take on why he’s centering the top line given how bad he is?
  4. What is your take on how/why he’s centering the top line lately?
  5. Do you think he’s a bad hockey player or a guy who’s trying to play himself into a trade?
  6. Thanks. As a caveat, I look at some of the geniuses that play collegiate football and all the nuance of strategy and positioning that’s required, and wonder what I’m missing. Maybe that players have to play both offense and defense in hockey is different. But again, they’ve been dealing with that concept since they been five years old.
  7. Can someone explain this to me like I’m 12 years old? I’m not saying it’s not, but other than speed, strength and veteran savvy/experience, how is the game fundamentally different? How many rookies come into the league saying “Wow, I’ve never seen a scheme like that.” Again, I’m not an Xs and Os guy at all. Really looking for an explanation.
  8. Page played a ‘59 LP (“Number 1” as he called it). He got it from Joe Walsh! He also played a ‘60.
  9. Mine has the humbuckers I saw him in a double bill with Buddy Guy about 15 years ago
  10. Funny, I retired a little over a year ago and my retirement sounds a lot like this-- de-cluttering, a lot more golf, and I just bought myself a new electric guitar (Fender Squier 70s Classic Vibe Telecaster Thinline). I'm less than a year into teaching myself to play, mostly through the magic of YouTube. 🎸 🎶
  11. Stack wins. That's all you can do. Stack wins.
  12. No, I think he just wasn't interested. Is Gilbert some kind of killer or something?
  13. That looked like Brady felt compelled to do "something" because of who he is and the game situation, but didn't really have the interest.
  14. That would make the Sabres chronic pooch-screwers.
  15. OT: is there any tune better than the HNIC theme? It takes me back 50 years in a great way.
  16. Ottawa looks like the Sabres. Bad bounces and everything.
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