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Everything posted by Slack_in_MA

  1. Malkin just put them back up 4-3
  2. Oops, I mean 2-0 😟
  3. Way to rebound and show some heart and backbone on a back-to-back Buffalo.
  4. So, should we be more disappointed in our inability to score, or encouraged by not having given up a goal?
  5. Personally, IDGAF how we won. We needed a win and we got one. Hopefully the first of many.
  6. Win. Needed that! Beat a good team, too.
  7. Full 60 guys. Full 60.
  8. Let’s go. Time to start winning again. Go Sabres!
  9. It’s a really good question. I don’t profess to know a whole lot about either of these two younguns, but if our forward prospect depth is as deep as it seems, you’d think Adams has to consider using that currency for veterans at G and D.
  10. Samantha Fish (blues guitarist) Get the Led Out (very fun and talented Zeppelin tribute band) Social Distortion (maybe)
  11. That's like being the prettiest fat girl at the dance.
  12. I see what you did there. Well played, sir. Well played!
  13. OK, that actually made me chuckle a little bit. And yes, I'm old enough to remember what it was!
  14. Dylan has it for sure. One of very few lately.
  15. "Grit is a personality trait possessed by individuals who demonstrate passion and perseverance toward a goal despite being confronted by significant obstacles and distractions. Those who possess grit are able to self-regulate and postpone their need for positive reinforcement while working diligently on a task." "Grit gives people a mental toughness that enables them to persist — and even succeed — in the face of adversity. For this reason, grit experts consider grit the single most important personality trait that all high achievers share."
  16. Lather, rinse, repeat. It's beginning to not matter. "Oh, but the future!"
  17. P1ss-poor showing today, albeit against a very, very good team. Gonna need some real leadership to keep this season from circling the f@&$/$ drain.
  18. They also said “Buffalo, you’re only six points out of a playoff spot! Where’s the emotion?”
  19. So, the usual Men vs Boys matchup, I see.
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