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Everything posted by Slack_in_MA

  1. It's coming. And we will prevail. Dammit.
  2. I also believe the Sabres read the room a bit wrong a while back and assumed the NHL was becoming a less physical, wide open, skating league and drafted and developed as such. I don't think think they guessed right, and are paying for it now.
  3. I'm close to this line of thinking. As I've said in other posts, I believe TP looks at the Sabres as part of an overall portfolio. He certainly doesn't look at it like fans like you and I do (I know, no sh!t). There's some financial prerogative he's operating the team under that's not completely clear to me, but has had my (and a lot of) antennae up for quite a while.
  4. I think Pegula is just waiting until the Bills season is over before doing anything. Doesn't want a firing to be a distraction. One can only hope. We shall see.
  5. Such a moribund team to watch. Just so... meh. Offense. Defense. Goaltending. Checking. Passing. Meh.
  6. Getting late here on the east coast. Packing it in. FYI - The other original Ramones were Johnny, Dee Dee, and Tommy. And none of their last names was Ramone. G'night
  7. Since this game is a dud, how about some trivia... Name one of the original members of the Ramones. No cheating/Googling.
  8. They must presume some of us Sabres fans are watching.
  9. I dunno. An opposing theory is he thinks "OK, I've proven I can build a winner in football. Now watch me build a winner in hockey and become a real big sh1t". I fully believe their top level management structure can only focus on one major sports team at a time. But we're getting ahead of ourselves....
  10. Gotta be tough to be the bastard step-child of Buffalo sports.
  11. I'd give it a grade B. The puck wasn't flat, which would be grade A.
  12. Ha. If so, that begs what the question is.
  13. So embarrassing. Hi Terry! Hi Kevyn! Enjoying the game? LOL
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