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Everything posted by Slack_in_MA

  1. When we had the multiple hatties the other night?
  2. For a last place team. If you saw the margins they make on food and beer, you'd sh*t your pants.
  3. I wasn't sure Quinn weighed enough to break his own stick.
  4. Can we manufacture a goal for Gilbert to get him a Gordie?
  5. Sub-optimal period thus far...
  6. Lower body injury. Probably involving his balls.
  7. It's called a Ripple. Like the tune by the Dead.
  8. After reading through the other thread on the topic, it felt like a good topic for a poll to try to sum up the feelings of the group. Since a lot has already been said in the other thread, there’s probably not much need for additional commentary, unless you chose “Other”, in which case your take is most welcome. Edit: sorry for a couple typos/omissions...
  9. Happy for the win. But if you’re trying to build a non-losing culture and want to become an attractive option for quality players, do you think those other players weigh an early February one goal win more heavily than a chicken-***** response to a cheap shot on one of the team’s stars? If I’m them, I’m thinking “they don’t stick up for each other; they probably wouldn’t stick up for me either”. IMO
  10. in a crap season like this one, watch the players that give an honest effort. They're the keepers.
  11. You're a brave f'ing soul They might need to pinkie-wrestle for that one.
  12. Is there a less exciting player on the roster than Samuelson?
  13. These guys overthink clearing the puck on the PK
  14. On Rob Ray night, down a goal, you'd think this would be a time when someone might want to inject some energy into the game...
  15. They really aren't. Just a collection of players that probably don't give a crap about the crest or each other.
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