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Everything posted by Slack_in_MA

  1. Congrats to Rasmus. Now find the leadership voice within you and use it wisely and to great effect!
  2. Happy trails, KO.
  3. Saw Brit Floyd (Pink Floyd tribute band) a few weeks ago in Hampton, NH. If you're a Pink Floyd fan, I recommend catching them. They're very good.
  4. Reading "A Man Called Ove" by Frederick Backman about an old widower curmudgeon who's considering suicide, but is being befriended by young neighbors. This comes on the heels of "Beartown" by the same guy, which is a story (fiction) about a hockey town in rural Sweden with very good junior and A teams. Lots of hockey and life stuff throughout. I'd bet many members of this board would enjoy it, as I did.
  5. This one is equally classic. Apologize if already posted elsewhere.
  6. I think Clifton’s drop off was due to Meatballs’ philosophy. I think we see Clifton return to form under Ruff.
  7. I might soil myself if that happens.
  8. McDavid and Draisaital need to take over.
  9. 5-1 and did McDavid have more than two SOGs? If he gets going in Game 7, gotta love those odds. Bobo’s confidence has to be at least a little bit shaken.
  10. Funny story about seeing the Stones… They’re coming to Rich Stadium in late September 1981. I’m 15 years old and my older brother and friends are getting tickets. It would be my first concert and I want to go so bad, but my parents had a “rule” about being 16 before going to a concert without them. After much pleading, my parents reconsidered, saying “Well ya know, they may never tour again.” 😂. I’m 57 and retired now, and they’re still touring! 🎸 🥁 🎶
  11. How come we can’t find JAGs like Erod? 😂 😞
  12. Is it still OK to say we miss Samson on the roster?
  13. If we had to apportion responsibility between ownership, coaches, and players, is it roughly 1/3 each? Or does KA bear a higher %? Or is KA’s lack of action due to constraints placed on him by TP?
  14. It's likely been discussed around here somewhere already, but who might be a quality trade target that has a good relationship with Lindy, e.g., someone he could "sell"/ talk out of a NMC?
  15. I retired at 57 at the end of last year. Now I can stay up and watch the Sabres when they play late road games on the left coast.
  16. Can we hope for a swarm of locusts to invade the building and leave nothing but a pile of skates, helmets and pads??
  17. Tonight was his last broadcast. He’s done, which is good because he’s been especially hard to listen to for a year now.
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