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Everything posted by Slack_in_MA

  1. I think it helps that they're as soft, er.... semi-physical, as we are.
  2. Decline the penalties in exchange for gift cards.
  3. Bednar needs a new haircut.
  4. In my mind, tenacity and grit aren't attributes measured by the "fancy stats"-- they are intangibles that are subjective elements of the eyeball test. It's like the old saying that "Not everything that counts can be measured, and not everything that can be measured, counts". Part of tenacity and grit are physical (using the body, going hard to the net, taking a beating in front of the net, clearing the front of our net), but what drives that is the mental part. I also believe they are contagious, as are their opposites (e.g., laziness, apathy, timidity, passivity). As to how they translate into wins, I believe they can result in creating turnovers and intimidating the opponent, which in turn can result in better scoring chances and wins. Can I prove it with data? No. But I'd argue that the vast majority of Stanley Cup champion teams are not made up simply of skilled shooters and skaters. They are physical and hard to play against also. My $.02
  5. They might sh1t their collective pants. Can’t have that.
  6. He’s one of the few that plays with a chip on his shoulder, like he has something to prove, while all of them do (have something to prove).
  7. I thought Malenstyn was kinda tough. He got kinda worked.
  8. It's a matter of whether Bryson's tap constitutes possession.
  9. It kinda translates to "good air". So, the anti-fart.
  10. Ah well... Happy Thanksgiving all!
  11. Any chance we can get a make up PP for the no call on TMM?
  12. You'd think someone would review the clip before airing it, no?
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