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Everything posted by sabremike

  1. Who do you think is responsible for this organization being the biggest toilet in the entire sport?
  2. Because it perfectly explains the clown show we are watching right now and the previous 8 seasons.
  3. Correct on both accounts.
  4. If anyone needs a live stream of the game here it is:
  5. I was thinking of someone else to use as an emergency fill in:
  6. I could care less about cap space. I don't want to end up reading a story in 10-15 years about Kyle suffering from dementia and having to be put in an assisted living facility. We have to do the right thing and tell him we are never going to let him play another second for us ever again. If it leads to lawsuits so be it.
  7. So we've officially reached " Billy Martin ordering Mike Pagliarullo to go to the plate and bat from his opposite stance despite him having never done so in his entire life" territory?
  8. I think in theory the tank was not a bad idea, it was just executed incompetently. When we were stripping assets we should've been acquiring as many draft picks as possible (which is what teams like the Astros and Sixers did). That's what the Dolphins are doing right now as well. The draft is by far the best most effective way to acquire talent, the more picks you have the better the odds you hit the jackpot.
  9. And we have a GM who would be dumb enough to make that trade in a heartbeat, so yeah...
  10. My poor Tage?
  12. This one was too good not to share:
  13. Welp that does nothing to challenge my belief that we have one of the worst scouting departments (particularly in NA) in the entire league. And when I think of the quality of NHL scouting (or it's lack thereof) I am reminded of this anecdote: several years back several teams refused to pick a kid in the first because he suffered a non hockey injury that proved he wasn't taking the sport seriously. Furthermore he came off as someone with an attitude problem because when asked in an interview why a team should draft him he replied "Don't pick me and see how that works for you". That kid's name? Mat Barzal.
  14. Occam's Razor would say because it's what they are being taught/instructed to do (which is obviously very concerning).
  15. Was it Dahlin's fault Hutton left the top 3rd of the net wide open?
  16. Man, wonder who the Leafs play next? Would be a real shame if they were playing a team that is one of the best in the league who will be motivated like hell to flatten them in front of the most hostile and wild atmosphere you will see at an NHL game in 2019. *Checks schedule* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
  17. To quote the great Ron Bennington of Ron and Fez radio fame: " Just because you use drugs doesn't make you a bad guy". Case in point: Tim Raines once literally had a crack vial in his pocket that shattered when he slid into 2nd base, but as a kid outside Shea getting autographs in the 80's him, Dale Murphy and Nolan Ryan were the absolute nicest guys I ever met.
  18. OT but hope your son is doing well and has no lasting effects. Also a reminder that there are far worse things than a crap hockey team.
  19. Imagine the position we would be in right now if Berglund hadn't walked out and voluntarily had his contract voided last season?
  20. I pray daily for the Wilpnzis to end up in prison where they belong so the Mets can be sold to a real owner, take back the city and make everything right in the world.
  21. If you are a wrestling fan this is the injury (suffered after he delivered essentially a shoot headbutt in a match that was incredibly stupid and dangerous) NJPW's Katsua Shibata suffered that essentially ended his career (although it looks like he may be able to have another match but he will never be able to work full time again).
  22. This sums up my thoughts perfectly:
  23. What is wrong with this entire organization in a nutshell: a year after making the single worst most destructive trade in hockey history (a trade so bad it literally killed my Whalers) Ed Johnson was fired by Rich Gordon because even though he was among the worst NHL owners of all time even he knew Ed had to go. Botts makes among the most disastrous trades of all time that crushes his team and a year later faces no consequences whatsoever for his complete and total failure. And if we have yet another disaster I would not be shocked in the least if nobody is held accountable.
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