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Everything posted by sabremike

  1. To quote Polk High football legend Al Bundy: "It is good to hate the Leafs!"
  2. When this ends play Get Right Back over the PA as the cherry on top!
  3. Shut the Peace Bridge down and force them all to have to go over Grand Island to Niagara Falls or Lewiston!
  4. You have no idea how sad it makes me to read that and realize that you are probably 100% right.
  5. The Pegulas should be forced to be at this game so they can see what a sad pathetic joke of a team and organization they have mismanaged straight into the toilet. Let them sit there and watch this team get flattened in front of 18,000 Laffs fans having the time of their life, just like I had to last year. Maybe seeing this will make them feel the pain, embarrassment and shame they should already be feeling and they will take corrective action like firing Botts and our horrible failures that make up our scouting department and replace them with people who have the basic competence to do their jobs correctly.
  6. Why couldn't we have been the ones to sucker Lou like that by sending him Bogo or McCabe for that type of haul?
  7. How hard is this for people who ask "Why does Carcillo behave like a guy who isn't in his right mind" to realize: it's because he ISN'T in his right mind? The guy is clearly brain damaged and reminds me of when Roddy Piper would try to speak out on guys dropping dead in wrestling and how things need to change but he was so insane he was unable to effectively do so without making himself look completely nuts and basically undermining what he was trying to say.
  8. Remember those people who would tell us that wasting 3rd round picks on awful players like Jimmy Vesey is smart because those picks have no value? Yup.
  9. The guy works for freaking Barstool Sports. Any of you who don't know what disgusting fetid garbage that whole site is just Google it.
  10. Why would an organization that has missed the playoffs for nearly a decade want to hire a coach who has a lengthy track record of constantly making the playoffs in multiple organizations?
  11. You have no idea how much it kills me to have to point out that right now winning games would be counterproductive because all that's left in this disaster of a season is getting ping pong balls (again).
  12. Which is one of many reasons why I don't rate Ralph at all as a coach.
  13. One thing I will enjoy is getting a STH renewal letter where they tell me they are raising prices while giving us crap benefits and come up with some spectacular and mindblowing mountain of ***** to try and explain it.
  14. So if this was wrestling Risto would've been up 6-0 (takedown = 2 points) right?
  15. You and me both...
  16. His new name should be Jason Botulism.
  17. You would be the guy to ask about this: wasn't there an NHL team several years back that did a study trying to find out the effect of winning faceoffs and basically it showed that it makes virtually no difference in game outcome whatsoever?
  18. John "Vortex of Sadness" Vogl anyone???
  19. The fact that you continue pushing the most ridiculous narrative in hockey history well after it has been completely and utterly destroyed is actually somewhat admirable in a way. Like those Japanese soldiers in the Pacific staying in their posts decades after the war had ended and their nation had been long since defeated.
  20. Remember when the Buffalo media clowns greased the skids to con everyone to run ROR out of town? Remember just how awesome that turned out? Welp, it's happening again. And people are getting conned like a bunch of marks at the county fair by them AGAIN.
  21. I don't this take is going to look very good on July 1st
  22. Number of hits is not a good category to lead the league in as teams at the top of that list are often at the bottom of the standings. For starters: it indicates you are losing the possession game.
  23. The Pegula Error: 253 Wins, 325 Losses, 87 OTL
  24. Look at what we traded the Conn Smythe winner for two offseasons ago and get back to me. We have a GM who constantly gets conned and suckered, a Sam trade will be no different. And the idea that Sam is the problem with this team is complete lunacy as well, just like the idea that ROR was the problem with this team. "Those who cannot remember the past..."
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