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Everything posted by sabremike

  1. The team being bad isn't what broke him. The team ***** with his health and wellbeing did. Seriously how hard is this to understand???
  2. No hockey person of any repute is coming to this organization. This is the Chernobyl of hockey, the most toxic organization in all of pro sports.
  3. Anyone who thinks Jack is in any way the bad guy in all of this is so monumentally dumb that I marvel that they are even capable of breathing.
  4. Then this team is trapped in a living death forever. Simple as that.
  5. Me: I couldn't possibly hate Terry Pegula more than I already do. Terry: Hold my beer...
  6. "You tell Kevyn to protect Tage OR ELSE..."
  7. Anyone who grew up in CT in the late 80's-early 90's and was a rags (or teddy bears) fan is worse than Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Peter Karmanos combined. Also it's very clear by his not even having done an interview for the 50th anniversary celebrations he wants no association with the Sabres whatsoever so yeah, screw him. May he fail as miserably as an exec for his beloved rags as he did a player.
  8. Unfortunately that was several years back before he became a leaguewide meme.
  9. Why don't people understand that the single biggest reason Risto hasn't been moved is that his value around the league is so pitifully low that keeping him and hoping by some miracle he figures it out is the only real option?
  10. How do you save a group of giraffes stranded on a sinking island? Simple: Build a giRAFT: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livescience.com/amp/raft-rescue-stranded-giraffes.html
  11. We are playing teams fighting for either positioning or their playoff lives with half our starters out and being forced to use the 4th and 5th goalies on our organizational depth chart and having to undo all the damage that conman inflicted on everyone. Being competitive under those conditions is an incredibly positive sign. If we resign Ulmark and find a competent professional #2 goalie making the playoffs next season is well within the realm of possibilities.
  12. Have any other crap hot takes you want to share with us?
  13. Giraffes. Lots and lots of Giraffes: That is all.
  14. Let's rename Key Bank Center to: #TeamMagicGiraffe
  15. After reading that the team was interested in bringing Miller back for this season before his likely retirement and Ralph nixed it made me want to waffle him right over his head with a Balls Mahoney level chairshot.
  16. Send them to Camden, NJ as that's far far worse.
  17. The past decade of Sabres hockey??
  18. Dreger is a disgusting scuzzy no talent boil on the ass of both journalism and humanity and that's the nicest thing I'll say about him. Even festering tubs of toilet water like that hack Larry Brooks look good in comparison to him.
  19. If the broooinz had thrown in a rocket we could strap Eakin to and fire straight into the sun into the Hall trade my opinion on it would've done a 180.
  20. This is like defending Dolan for destroying the Knicks by pointing to the success of the rags.
  21. They reunited the REO Deathwagon Line, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. He didn't even try to use the leverage he had (which I patiently explained in an earlier post) to make Hall accept going somewhere other than Boston because the situation was Mutually Assured Destruction, and losing out on a high second rounder would hurt us less than losing out on a fortune would hurt Hall.
  23. The idea he had us over a barrel and we had no leverage annoys me greatly. We did have leverage: if Hall was still here after the deadline we lose a pick but he loses MILLIONS of dollars in UFA because his value is at an all time low and he needed to go somewhere to rebuild it. It's real clear that our GM was more interested in catering to a guy who ended up being exposed as a complete snake rather than playing hardball and getting the best outcome for the team.
  24. It felt like GM Unqualified PSE Crony was more concerned with doing what was best for Taylor Hall than the Buffalo Sabres.
  25. If this jackass is allowed to do an Eichel trade just burn KBC to the ground and piss on it's ashes.
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