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Everything posted by sabremike

  1. Killer Kreb!!!
  2. Fun fact: Since the original 6 era ended if you toss out the bogus covid division the Leafs have won as many division titles (one) as the Hartford Whalers (and if you count WHA they would have iirc 3 more).
  3. Did you know 84% of stats are completely made up?
  4. Do you really want that monkey's paw wish and he ends up a Leaf?
  5. What you are seeing with the Devils is why not making the playoffs was a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY bad thing. Getting the first time lump taking out of the way would've been incredibly beneficial.
  6. Minor clarification: I think the guy who murdered my Whalers should burn in Hell for all eternity. Sadly this will not happen as even Satan has standards so Karmanos will spend eternity in Gary, Indiana which is actually worse. John Rowland ended up in prison so karma got his ass.
  7. I remember that godawful cartoonist in the Buffalo News doing one of ROR talking about losing his love for the game while putting his hand in a fans pocket and stealing his money. If ROR had walked into their office, found the guy and pounded his face into hamburger I would've had no problem with it.
  8. A reference to Uncle Ted was certainly not something I expected to see in this thread.
  9. Seriously, what the hell was he thinking?
  10. I loved the Whalers more than I have ever loved any team I have ever rooted for and there is not a single day that goes by where I don't think about how much I miss them. Karmanos, Rowland and Bettman can all burn in the ninth circle of Hell for all eternity.
  11. Fun fact: Did you know Jason's dad is the antichrist?
  12. This is correct. If we run the table we need 2 of the teams in front of us to lose a game in regulation (Cats and Isles have 1 game left, Pens have two but are playing glorified AHL teams).
  13. That suicide pass by Gummi Bear right in front of his own net was a play that if a kid does it they get a seat in the press box or a bus ticket to the AHL.
  14. Greatest horror movie concept ever:
  15. We lost on just about the most absurd call I have ever seen in an NHL game. The official who made that interference call should not be allowed to officiate another game this season.
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