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Everything posted by sabremike

  2. The only thing I compare this to was in 2016 when my Red Bulls got hammered by the DC Scum (our most hated rivals) on a Wednesday and then on Sunday at Yankee Stadium dropped the biggest ass kicking in MLS history on the fake posers from the Bronx with a 0-7 win that is known to this day as The Red Wedding.
  3. The whistle blew before the puck went into the net, no way that counts.
  4. I don't need to be a math major to know if there are 5 teams in your own division you have no prayer of finishing ahead of you have a 0% chance of making the playoffs. This season is dead and buried with a tombstone over it as the Yzerplan worked while Vibezzzzzz went down like the Titanic.
  5. I have it on good authority that next year's STH gift is a fidget spinner. Seriously, this organization is such a third rate clown show. The contempt they have for fans seems to be bottomless.
  6. Wish Spurs could loan us Big Ange to be our coach tonight cause he's an expert at beating the Rangers.
  7. I will never forget a few days after just about the most painful and heartbreaking day of my life the filthy rags came to Hartford and Scam Rosen and his broadcast pal STD proceeded to give a spirited defense of that ***** scum sucking pig Karmanos who had just murdered the team that I loved more than anything and that there's no ***** day in this last quarter century that’s gone by where I don't think about them and how much I miss my Whalers and would give ANYTHING to have them back. As far as I'm concerned he can go burn in Hell with his buddy Peter The Pig.
  8. The biggest reason I think this is the most unlikable Sabres team ever is simple: They spent the whole offseason doing a victory lap over a failure while with all sorts of big talk about next season (even having the balls to call out fans for not filling KBC) and then they all come into the season unprepared and out of shape and have stunk the joint out the vast majority of nights so far. They moaned about fans booing them and then the next night were beaten and humiliated as bad as a team can possibly be. There is absolutely nothing worse than guys who talk the talk and don't back it up in the least. And now Detroit actually did what our loudmouth underacheivers who've never won anything said the would do and took the next step to blow a million miles past us to join the other big four laughing and kicking sand in our face.
  9. Here is the reality: In terms of Points Per Game (which is the meaningful stat in regards to the NHL, not Win Percentage) we are at .476. Only the corpse of the Blue Jackets are worse in the east (We are tied with the Habs for second worst). And there's also the fact that even this crap record flatters them and is far better than actually deserved.
  10. BTW this same guy de facto brags about helping to run Ruff (you know, the best coach in team history who just handed us an epic assbeating) out of town in his X bio.
  11. Yeah, those laughingstock Devils didn't facepunch the guy: They only gave him the most humiliating night of his entire career in front of his friends and family.
  12. If they get a shot at Rod offer him as much as McDavid because he would be worth every goddamned penny.
  13. I just saw a meat wagon cart away someone who appeared to have OD'ed and died outside Penn Station Newark (I'm 100% serious) so someone had a worse night than we did.
  14. If there was an LVP Award for least valuable player in hockey he would be a strong candidate.
  15. Whatever, he sucks every bit as much as everything else about this low rent trash heap of an organization.
  16. Dan Dumbleavey is to announcing what Dany Heatley is to safe driving.
  17. Do you think that clueless ***** simpleton we have the grave misfortune to be owned by even gives a *****?
  18. Don Granato is the single biggest fraud in the entire NHL and Kevyn From Accounting isn't far behind.
  19. They are going to get their teeth kicked in on Friday. The only suspense is whether Crosby or Malkin end up with hat tricks.
  20. The way that almost everyone has nosedived and regressed this season is such a damning indictment of the entire coaching staff. A serious organization would recognize this and take appropriate action (ie: Start handing out pink slips and hiring competent pros who are actually good at their jobs). The worst organization in modern hockey history (us) will simply do nothing, continue to fail forever and wonder why they keep failing.
  21. I miss National Lampoon:
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