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Everything posted by wjag

  1. This is interesting.. Granted it is from Fox News, but it does appear the basic story is holding up: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/31/new-email-shows-dnc-boss-giving-clinton-camp-debate-question-in-advance.html
  2. Our selection is between Yuk and Yikes what could there possibly be not to like?
  3. Interesting show after the prior.. Almost cerebral. Almost
  4. The campaign that keeps on giving... Or ... A new reality show... Keeping up with the Trumps.. You gotta love the Post. They fling it better than anyone.. I put these here for humor only.
  5. So I am beginning to think Donald Trump is right on this score: Notice I said this score and this score only am I addressing. He complains that the cameras covering his event do not pan to show the size of the crowd.. I have watched enough events of both of them to believe what he says. Well today I was on the treadmill watching Hillary's rally yesterday with the first lady. The cameras moved many times to show different angles to show how big the crowd is. Blatant press bias there IMO.. No accident either. He has so pissed off the press that they are doing it subtly but deliberately. IMO
  6. 500 on Sabres... Atone...
  7. They do. I should have said I don't have a marketplace plan.
  8. It's nice that they share.
  9. Correct on all accounts I think. But what is lost in the message is that their insurance company is pulling out and reducing their options. The system will need to be tweaked before it further erodes public confidence. I'm not convinced our duly elected officials will put our collective needs ahead of their collective needs for self preservation and revenge. There are real world examples in Oklahoma, and Texas I think, where rates are jumping by huge numbers, not the reported 25%. A lot of that increase is being deferred back to the US government for low income people. A ticking time bomb in our budget, for sure. I have stated before that the two things I really appreciate about the ACA, even if I don't have them personally, are the pre-existing conditions clause and the coverage for dependents up to 26-years. I would hate to see those get rolled out.
  10. http://digg.com/video/gerald-daugherty-ad-texas enjoy
  11. I have my own health insurance. So I really don't understand the Marketplace stuff very well and I don't understand if this is a scare tactic, but it certainly catches your breath and attention either way.
  12. Somehow 3/4ths didn't sound right...
  13. Loser ... again..... at 1800.
  14. They were also rich, titled and entitled men... No doubt they were enlighten thinkers on some matters. Some matters. Didn't much like the idea of women's equality, judged some people to be 3/4 of a person, protected their wealth and position when challenged, etc. Not trying to denigrate them, I just was reacting to the authors use of "informed citizens to master our own fates" when they clearly did not universally support that.
  15. You can register your displeasure with her all you want, but chose some less hostile words please. I do like the idea of moving Syrians up to her neighborhood in New York. If she is good with the idea, certainly her town can shoulder say 500 folks or so??? Really? You couldn't find a better way to say that? Look, our nation's founders-- Franklin, Madison, Hamilton, Jefferson. They were born of the Enlightenment. They sought to escape superstition and sectarianism and tribalism and no-nothingness. They believed in rational thought and experimentation and the capacity of informed citizens to master our own fates. And yet they owned slaves....
  16. No idea what the history is..
  17. Watched it this morning. Them Repubs sure do hate her. Can't for the life of me figure out what the heck he was doing yesterday. The only thing you can think of was the Speaker's meds need to be re-balanced. Tough year for her. And then he follows it up with a sort of a threat on Twitter. I really wish Twitter never had been invented.
  18. Picked a bad year to draft him on my fantasy team
  19. 100 on Sabres.. Only because the Flyers were in Montreal last night.
  20. He's ordering new curtains for the Oval Office with a big gold T on them
  21. Voting against Afghanistan, no; voting against Iraq, sure to maybe. That was not a slam dunk decision, there was a lot of debate in this country. A lot. But she had her eye on the prize, which was 2008.. She got suckered with the rest of them. She was resume building.
  22. I think so. It resonates with the folks in the rust belt where this election will be won or lost. It may not resonate in some areas as much as others.
  23. Last I will say on this matter. Alcohol is not illegal. Football is not illegal. Marijuana is in many places in this country right now. When this country legalizes marijuana across the board, then the NFL can bargain or not away the penalties. That remains their right. Appreciate the discussion. Hopefully I didn't cross too many lines today..
  24. I get that and I am saying the rule should not be changed, Drugs, even the 'harmless' ones, put athletes in compromising positions or actions. I as the NFL see the results all the time and I have decided that it is damaging the brand. So it is a no fly zone. My take on Hoss' take was marijuana is harmless. I am not sure the NFL sees it that way, otherwise they would not legislate/bargain against it.
  25. And I am saying it is a term of the contract he signed. It is not allowed. And embarrassing is spelled this way. And yes, I did say this generation. And I stick to that. :P
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